The term you select here will redirect to this record.
5-alpha reductase deficiency
LGBTQ Aboriginal people
Activism (LGBTQ)
Activists (LGBTQ)
LGBTQ actors
Adoptive parenthood
Adoptive parents
Sex industry
Sex shops
Porn films (LGBTQ)
Sex cinemas
African-Americans (LGBTQ)
Afro-Canadians (LGBTQ)
Afro-Caribbeans (LGBTQ)
Afro-Europeans (LGBTQ)
Afro-Latin Americans (LGBTQ)
Age of consent
Agender people
AIDS activists
AIDS awareness
AIDS information centres
AIDS education
AIDS memorial quilts
AIDS memorials
AIDS organisations
AIDS periodicals
AIDS phobia
Red ribbons
Anal beads
Anal fisting
Anal sex
Androgen insensitivity syndrome
Androgynous people
LGBTQ Anglicans
Anonymous sex
Anti-bisexual discrimination
Anti-bisexual violence
Anti-discrimination law
Anti-gay discrimination
Anti-gay violence
Anti-lesbian discrimination
Anti-lesbian violence
Anti-LGBTQ violence
Anti-queer discrimination
Anti-queer violence
Anti-transgender discrimination
Anti-transgender violence
Archives (LGBTQ)
Aromantic people
Arrests of LGBTQ people
Artists (LGBTQ)
Asexual people
Asian Americans (LGBTQ)
Asians (LGBTQ)
Autoerotic asphyxiation
Ass fucking
Assigned female at birth
Assigned gender
Assigned male at birth
Atheists (LGBTQ)
Aversion therapy
Dark rooms
Baby dyke
Baby gay
Ball culture
Ballroom families
LGBTQ Baptists
Bars (LGBTQ)
BDSM community
Beaches (LGBTQ)
Behavioural therapy
Being in love
Bi+ people
Hate crimes
Bigender identity
Bigender people
Intolerance towards LGBTQ people
Binding (chest)
Biological parenthood
Birth certificate amendments
Birth certificates
Gender assigned at birth
Birth parents
Bisexual activism
Bisexual African-Americans
Bisexual Afro-Canadians
Bisexual Afro-Caribbeans
Bisexual Afro-Europeans
Bisexual Afro-Latin Americans
Bisexual archives
Bisexual artists
Bisexual Asian Americans
Bisexual Asians
Bisexual atheists
Bisexual bars
Bisexual beaches
Bisexual Black people
Bisexual bookshops
Bisexual boys
Bisexual Buddhists
Bisexual characters
Bisexual children
Bisexual Christians
Bisexual clergy
Bisexual community
Bisexual community centres
Bisexual couples
Bisexual daughters
Bisexual information centres
Bisexual dominatrices
Bisexual drama
Bisexual families
Bisexual fiction
Bisexual girls
Bisexual identity
Bisexual Jews
Bisexual Latinx
Bisexual libraries
Bisexual literature
Mixed-orientation marriage
Bisexual masters
Bisexual men
Bisexual mistresses
Bisexual movement
Bisexual museums
Bisexual Muslims
Bisexual Native Americans
Bisexual newsletters
Bisexual newspapers
Bisexual pagans
Bisexual parents
Bisexual people
Bisexual people in the military
Bisexual people of colour
Parents of bisexual people
Bisexual poetry
Bisexual political activists
Bisexual porn films
Bisexual press
Bisexual prostitutes
Bisexual Protestants
Bisexual publishers
Bisexual radio
Bisexual relationships
Bisexual rights
Bisexual Roman Catholics
Bisexual slang
Bisexual sons
Bisexual studies
Bisexual survivors of hate crimes
Bisexual survivors of rape
Bisexual survivors of sexual abuse
Bisexual survivors of war
Bisexual youth
Bisexual television
Bisexual theatre
Bisexual theology
Bisexual victims of hate crimes
Bisexual victims of rape
Bisexual victims of sexual abuse
Bisexual victims of war
Bisexual victims' rights
Bisexual White people
Bisexual women
Bisexual youth literature
Black people (LGBTQ)
Sex dolls
Body adornments
Bookshops (LGBTQ)
Boston marriages
Boys' friendships
Buddhists (LGBTQ)
Buddy care for LGBTQ people
Butch-femme relationships
Male prostitutes
LGBTQ Calvinists
Casual sex
White people (LGBTQ)
Legal name change
Changing rooms
Characters (LGBTQ)
Substance abuse
Chest harnesses
Latinx (LGBTQ)
Child custody
Children (LGBTQ)
Children of bisexual people
Children of gay men
Children of lesbians
Children of LGBTQ people
Children of transgender people
Children of queer people
Children's sexuality
Chosen name
Christians (LGBTQ)
Chubs (Gay men)
Cut men
Cisgender men
Cisgender people
Cisgender women
Cissexual people
Civil unions
Civil union documents
Civil rights (LGBTQ)
Civil union certificates
Prostitutes' clients
Clit rings
Clitoral sex
Clones (gay men)
Closeted bisexual people
Closeted gay men
Closeted lesbians
Stealth (Transgender)
Party drugs
Cock rings
Coming out
Common law marriage
Communities (LGBTQ)
Community centres (LGBTQ)
LGBTQ Confucianists
Congenital adrenal hyperplasia
Sexual reorientation
Second parent adoption
Corrective rape
Couples (LGBTQ)
Court orders
LGBTQ victims of crime
Criminal law
Cross-cultural relationships
Hormone therapy (Gender)
Crystal meth
Non-Euro-American gender and sexual identities
Dating applications
Dating websites
Daughters (LGBTQ)
Daughters of bisexual people
Daughters of gay men
Daughters of lesbians
Daughters of transgender people
Daughters of queer people
LGBTQ deaf people
Hate speech
Demigender people
Demisexual people
Denial of sexual orientation
Dental dams
Desire to have children
Detention of LGBTQ people
Detention of LGBTQ people under a hospital order
Dildo harnesses
Discrimination (LGBTQ)
Disorders of sexual development
Divorced people
Domestic partnership contracts
Domestic partnership retirement benefits
Domestic partnerships
Dominatrices (LGBTQ)
Drag balls
Drag bars
Drag community
Drag families
Drag fathers
Drag kings
Drag mothers
Drag queens
Drama (LGBTQ)
Driver's licenses
Drug abuse
Drug users
Dutch boys
Lesbian culture
Dyke marches
Dykes on bikes
LGBTQ Eastern Orthodox Christians
Egg donors
Internalised homophobia
Ego-dystonic sexual orientation
Older people (LGBTQ)
Electroshock therapy
Eonist people
Erectile dysfunction
Erection pills
Erogenous body parts
Erotic massage
Escort services
Ex-gay movement
Fag hags
Fag stags
Families (LGBTQ)
Family members
Fat distribution
Fathers of bisexual people
Fathers of gay men
Fathers of lesbians
Fathers of queer people
Fathers of transgender people
Women's friendships
Female genital mutilation
Female impersonators
Female masculinity
Female prostitutes
Female prostitution
Women's movement
Fiction (LGBTQ)
First wave feminism
Forced castration
Foreskin restoration
Social parenthood
Foster parents
Freedom rings
Fuck buddies
Gay activism
Gay African-Americans
Gay Afro-Canadians
Gay Afro-Caribbeans
Gay Afro-Europeans
Gay Afro-Latin Americans
Gay and lesbian youth
Gay archives
Gay artists
Gay Asian Americans
Gay Asians
Gay atheists
Gay bars
Gay saunas
Gay beaches
Gay Black people
Gay bookshops
Gay boys
Gay Buddhists
Gay characters
Gay choruses
Gay Christians
Gay clergy
Gay community
Gay community centres
Gay culture
Gay discos
Gay drama
Gay information centres
Gay families
Gay parents
Gay fiction
Gay for pay
Gay Games
Gay identity
Gay Jews
Gay Latinos
Lesbian-gay relations
Gay liberation
Gay libraries
Gay literature
Gay male couples
Same-sex marriage
Gay masters
Gay men
Gay men in the military
Gay men of colour
Parents of gay men
Gay movement
Gay museums
Gay Muslims
Gay Native Americans
Gay newsletters
Gay newspapers
Gay pagans
Gay poetry
Gay political activists
Gay political groups
Gay porn films
Gay press
Gay pride
Gay pride week
Gay priests
Gay prostitutes
Gay Protestants
Gay publishers
Gay radio
Gay relationships
Gay religious groups
Gay rights
Gay Roman Catholics
Gay sensibility
Gay shame
Gay slang
Gay sons
Gay sports clubs
Gay-straight alliances
Gay studies
Gay survivors of hate crimes
Gay survivors of rape
Gay survivors of sexual abuse
Gay survivors of war
Gay youth
Gay television
Gay theatre
Gay theatre groups
Gay theology
Gay trade union groups
Gay victims of sexual abuse
Gay victims of hate crimes
Gay victims of rape
Gay victims of war
Gay victims' rights
Gay White people
Gay youth literature
LGBTQ neighbourhoods
Gender confirming surgery
Gender bending
Gender binary
Gender blending
Gender diversity
Gender dysphoria
Gender expression
Genderfluid people
Gender identity
Gender identity disorder
Gender markers
Gender non-conforming people
Gender relations
Gender swapping
Gender roles
Gender segregation
Gender studies
Genderqueer people
Genetic parenthood
Genital reconstruction surgery
Gestational parenthood
Getting laid
Getting off
Girls' friendships
Given name
Oral sex
Glory holes
Goddess movement (Lesbian)
Water sports
Gonadal dysgenesis
Group sex
Hair removal
Handkerchief codes
Happy endings
Victims of hate crimes (LGBTQ)
Health care for LGBTQ people
Herbal treatments
Intersex people
Heterosexual boys
Heterosexual feminism
Heterosexual girls
Heterosexual identity
Heterosexual marriage
Heterosexual men
Heterosexual women
Heterosexual youth
LGBTQ Hindus
HIV tests
HIV-negative people
HIV-positive people
Serodiscordant couples
HIV-undetectable people
Murders of LGBTQ people
Hormone blockers
Human rights
Sexual sterilisation
In vitro fertilisation
Information centres (LGBTQ)
Information provision
Sexual intercourse
Intergenerational relationships
Online dating
Internet forums
Intersex children
Intersex conditions
Intersex genital mutilation
Intersex identity
Intersex movement
Intersex rights
Intersex youth
Intimate partner violence
LGBTQ Jehovah's Witnesses
Jerking off
Jews (LGBTQ)
Kaposi's sarcoma
Khawaja sara
Klinefelter syndrome
Latent homosexuality
Latex gloves
Lavender Scare
Leather community
Leather daddies
Leather families
Leather mommies
Legal name
Legal status
Lesbian activism
Lesbian African-Americans
Lesbian Afro-Canadians
Lesbian Afro-Caribbeans
Lesbian Afro-Europeans
Lesbian Afro-Latin Americans
Lesbian archives
Lesbian artists
Lesbian Asian Americans
Lesbian Asians
Lesbian atheists
Lesbian bars
Lesbian beaches
Lesbian Black people
Lesbian bookshops
Lesbian Buddhists
Lesbian characters
Lesbian choruses
Lesbian Christians
Lesbian clergy
Lesbian community
Lesbian community centres
Lesbian couples
Lesbian daughters
Lesbian information centres
Lesbian dominatrices
Lesbian drama
Lesbian families
Lesbian feminism
Lesbian fiction
Lesbian girls
Lesbian identity
Lesbian Jews
Lesbian land
Lesbian Latinas
Lesbian liberation
Lesbian libraries
Lesbian literature
Lesbian mistresses
Lesbian parents
Lesbian movement
Lesbian museums
Women's music
Lesbian Muslims
Lesbian nation
Lesbian Native Americans
Lesbian newsletters
Lesbian newspapers
Lesbian pagans
Lesbian poetry
Lesbian political activists
Lesbian political groups
Lesbian porn films
Lesbian press
Lesbian pride
Lesbian prostitutes
Lesbian prostitution
Lesbian Protestants
Lesbian publishers
Lesbian radio
Lesbian relationships
Lesbian religious groups
Lesbian rights
Lesbian Roman Catholics
Lesbian sensibility
Lesbian separatism
Lesbian slang
Lesbian sports clubs
Lesbian studies
Lesbian survivors of hate crimes
Lesbian survivors of rape
Lesbian survivors of sexual abuse
Lesbian survivors of war
Lesbian youth
Lesbian television
Lesbian theatre
Lesbian theatre groups
Lesbian theology
Lesbian trade union groups
Lesbian victims of hate crimes
Lesbian victims of rape
Lesbian victims of sexual abuse
Lesbian victims of war
Lesbian victims' rights
Lesbian White people
Lesbian youth literature
Lesbians in the military
Lesbians of colour
Parents of lesbians
LGBTQ action campaigns
LGBTQ adoption
LGBTQ adoptive families
LGBTQ adoptive parenthood
LGBTQ adoptive parents
LGBTQ African religions
LGBTQ Native American religions
LGBTQ art censorship
LGBTQ arts
LGBTQ Asian religions
LGBTQ awards
LGBTQ biological parents
LGBTQ biracial people
LGBTQ birth parents
LGBTQ blind people
LGBTQ blogs
LGBTQ blood donors
LGBTQ book censorship
LGBTQ book clubs
LGBTQ books
LGBTQ cartoons
LGBTQ censorship
LGBTQ centres
LGBTQ challenged books
LGBTQ chatrooms
LGBTQ choruses
LGBTQ chosen families
LGBTQ civil disobedience
LGBTQ clubs
LGBTQ co-fathers
LGBTQ co-mothers
LGBTQ co-parenthood
LGBTQ co-parents
Comics (LGBTQ)
LGBTQ communes
Conception by LGBTQ people
LGBTQ conscientious objection
LGBTQ cruises
LGBTQ dating applications
LGBTQ dating websites
LGBTQ death and dying
LGBTQ death notices
LGBTQ defamation campaigns
LGBTQ demonstrations
Mystery and detective fiction (LGBTQ)
LGBTQ direct action
LGBTQ divorce
LGBTQ domestic violence
LGBTQ older people's organisations
LGBTQ emancipation
LGBTQ emotions
Erotic literature (LGBTQ)
LGBTQ ethnic groups
LGBTQ events
LGBTQ veterans
LGBTQ ex-partners
LGBTQ family planning
Fantasy fiction (LGBTQ)
LGBTQ fatherhood
LGBTQ film censorship
LGBTQ film festivals
LGBTQ films
LGBTQ foster families
LGBTQ foster parenthood
LGBTQ foster parents
LGBTQ friendliness
LGBTQ graphic novels
LGBTQ health care centres
LGBTQ health education
LGBTQ historical terms
LGBTQ homeless people
LGBTQ homeless youth
LGBTQ hotels
LGBTQ immigration rights
LGBTQ imprisonment
LGBTQ incest victims
LGBTQ indigenous people
LGBTQ prisoners
LGBTQ Internet forums
LGBTQ intimacy
LGBTQ Judaism
LGBTQ literary awards
LGBTQ literary salons
LGBTQ lobbying
LGBTQ love
LGBTQ lovers
LGBTQ magazines
LGBTQ manga
LGBTQ marketing
LGBTQ meeting places
LGBTQ memorials
LGBTQ migrants
LGBTQ multi-racial people
LGBTQ Mormons
LGBTQ motherhood
LGBTQ motorcycle clubs
LGBTQ museums
LGBTQ musicians
LGBTQ night life
LGBTQ nonviolent resistance
LGBTQ obituaries
LGBTQ Old Catholic Church
LGBTQ Papuans
LGBTQ parenthood
LGBTQ people
LGBTQ people with physical disabilities
LGBTQ people with visual disabilities
LGBTQ personal and family law
LGBTQ petitions
LGBTQ phobia
LGBTQ platonic love
LGBTQ plays
LGBTQ porn magazines
LGBTQ prisoners of conscience
LGBTQ pubs
LGBTQ Quakers
LGBTQ refugees
LGBTQ religions
LGBTQ resorts
LGBTQ restaurants
LGBTQ retirement homes
LGBTQ riots
Schools for LGBTQ youth
Science fiction (LGBTQ)
LGBTQ self-defence
LGBTQ self-repression
LGBTQ separation
LGBTQ sexual abuse
LGBTQ shamans
LGBTQ Shintoists
LGBTQ single fathers
LGBTQ single mothers
LGBTQ single parent families
LGBTQ single parents
LGBTQ social parenthood
LGBTQ social media
LGBTQ social processes
LGBTQ spirituality
LGBTQ sporting events
LGBTQ sports clubs
LGBTQ students' clubs
LGBTQ suicide
LGBTQ support groups
LGBTQ symbols
LGBTQ Taoists
LGBTQ tourism
LGBTQ unrequited love
Victims of rape (LGBTQ)
Victims of sexual abuse (LGBTQ)
LGBTQ visibility
Victims of war (LGBTQ)
LGBTQ websites
LGBTQ weddings
LGBTQ youth centres
LGBTQ zines
Libraries (LGBTQ)
Lipstick lesbians
Literature (LGBTQ)
Living arrangements
Sex locations
Locker rooms
Love triangles
Macho men
Mak nyah
Male bonding
Men's friendships
Male impersonators
Male prostitution
Manual sex
Marital status
Marriage certificates
Marriage law
Marriage licenses
Married people
Masters (LGBTQ)
Metropolitan Community Church
Medical care
Medical practitioners' statements
Men who have sex with men
Men's movement
Mental disorders
Mental health care for LGBTQ people
Mistresses (LGBTQ)
Mosaicism involving "sex" chromosomes
Mothers of bisexual people
Mothers of gay men
Mothers of lesbians
Mothers of transgender people
Movement (LGBTQ)
Mud sex
Museums (LGBTQ)
Muslims (LGBTQ)
Mutual masturbation
Native Americans (LGBTQ)
Tantric sex
Newsletters (LGBTQ)
Newspapers (LGBTQ)
Niizh manidoowag
Nipple clamps
Nipple play
No hormone identity
Non-binary people
Nude beaches
Nude photographs
Official documentation
Older bisexual people
Older gay men
Older lesbians
Older queer people
Older transgender people
Single parent families
Organisations for sexual research and sexual reform
Packing (phallus)
Spanking paddles
Pagans (LGBTQ)
Pangender identity
Pangender people
Pansexual people
Parental rights
Parents (LGBTQ)
Parents of crossdressers
Parents of queer people
Parents of transgender people
Partial androgen insensitivity syndrome
Partner notification
Partner preference
Partner rights
Partners (LGBTQ)
Partners of bisexual people
Partners of crossdressers
Partners of gay men
Partners of lesbians
Partners of queer people
Partners of transgender people
Passing (gender)
Passive immune therapy
Peep shows
Penile plethysmography
People in the military (LGBTQ)
People of colour (LGBTQ)
Performance art
Persecution of bisexual people
Persecution of gay men
Persecution of lesbians
Persecution of queer people
Persecution of transgender people
Persecutions (LGBTQ)
Phallic sex
Phone sex
Phone sex workers
Physical affection
Physical health care for LGBTQ people
Pink triangles
Poetry (LGBTQ)
Police entrapment
Police harassment
Police raids
Porn industry
Porn stars
Press (LGBTQ)
Social privilege
Progestin induced virilization
Protestants (LGBTQ)
Puberty blockers
Public bathroom bills
Public bathrooms
Public facilities
Public sex
Public showers
Publishers (LGBTQ)
Queer people of colour
Queer (verb)
Queer activism
Queer African-Americans
Queer Afro-Canadians
Queer Afro-Caribbeans
Queer Afro-Europeans
Queer Afro-Latin Americans
Queer archives
Queer artists
Queer Asian Americans
Queer Asians
Queer atheists
Queer bars
Queer beaches
Queer Black people
Queer bookshops
Queer Buddhists
Queer characters
Queer children
Queer Christians
Queer clergy
Queer community
Queer community centres
Queer couples
Queer daughters
Queer drama
Queer dominatrices
Queer families
Queer fiction
Queer identity
Queer information centres
Queer Jews
Queer Latinx
Queer libraries
Queer literature
Queer masters
Queer men
Queer mistresses
Queer movement
Queer museums
Queer Muslims
Queer Native Americans
Queer newsletters
Queer newspapers
Queer pagans
Queer parents
Queer people
Queer people in the military
Queer poetry
Queer political activists
Queer porn films
Queer press
Queer prostitutes
Queer Protestants
Queer publishers
Queer radio
Queer relationships
Queer rights
Queer Roman Catholics
Queer slang
Queer sons
Queer studies
Queer survivors of hate crimes
Queer survivors of rape
Queer survivors of sexual abuse
Queer survivors of war
Queer youth
Queer television
Queer theatre
Queer theology
Queer theory
Queer transgender people
Queer victims of hate crimes
Queer victims of rape
Queer victims of sexual abuse
Queer victims of war
Queer victims' rights
Queer White people
Queer women
Queer youth literature
Radical feminism
Radio (LGBTQ)
Rainbow flags
Reading (Transgender)
Reciprocal in vitro fertilisation
Recreational drug use
Relationship satisfaction
Relationships (LGBTQ)
Risk behaviours
Ritual homosexuality
Role behaviour
Rope play
Roman Catholics (LGBTQ)
Romantic friendships
Rubber sex
Rubber subculture
Safer sex
Safer sex parties
Sak veng
Same-sex divorce
Sea queens
Secondary sex characteristics
Second wave feminism
Sex accessories
Sex (Act)
Sex assigned at birth
Sex (Body)
Sex clubs
Sex education
Sex parties
Sex scandals
Sex therapy
Sex tourism
Sex work
Sex workers (LGBTQ)
Sexual abstinence
Sexual addiction
Sexual excitement
Sexual assault
Sexual autonomy
Sexual behaviour change
Sexual climax
Sexual offences laws
Sexual diversity
Sexual dysfunction
Sexual function
Sexual harassment
Sexual health
Sexual identity
Sexual inversion
Sexual minorities
Sexual orientation
Sexual practices
Sexual preference
Sexual reform
Sexual relationships
Sexual revolution
Sexual roles
Sexual violence
Sexually abused LGBTQ children
Significant others
Single people
Situational sexual behaviour
Slang (LGBTQ)
SM movement
Social constructionism
Social media
Social movements
Social norms
Social security cards
Sodomy laws
Soft butches
Solo sex
Sons (LGBTQ)
Sons of bisexual people
Sons of gay men
Sons of lesbians
Sons of transgender people
Sons of queer people
Sperm donors
Spreader bars
Srey sros
Stone butches
Stonewall riots
Strap-on sex
Survivors of anti-LGBTQ violence
Survivors of hate crimes (LGBTQ)
Survivors of rape (LGBTQ)
Survivors of sexual abuse (LGBTQ)
Survivors of war (LGBTQ)
Swyer syndrome
Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras
Tearoom sex
Television (LGBTQ)
Terminal care (AIDS)
Theatre (LGBTQ)
Theology (LGBTQ)
Thigh harnesses
Third gender
Third gender people
Tida wena
Toxic masculinity
Transgender people
Trans marches
Transsexual people
Transfeminine people
Transgender activism
Transgender African-Americans
Transgender Afro-Canadians
Transgender Afro-Caribbeans
Transgender Afro-Europeans
Transgender Afro-Latin Americans
Transgender archives
Transgender artists
Transgender Asian Americans
Transgender Asians
Transgender atheists
Transgender bars
Transgender beaches
Transgender Black people
Transgender bookshops
Transgender Buddhists
Transgender characters
Transgender children
Transgender Christians
Transgender clergy
Transgender community
Transgender community centres
Transgender couples
Transgender culture
Transgender daughters
Transgender Day of Remembrance
Transgender information centres
Transgender dominatrices
Transgender drama
Transgender families
Transgender fathers
Transgender fiction
Transgender identity
Transgender Jews
Transgender Latinx
Transgender libraries
Transgender literature
Transgender masters
Transgender mistresses
Transgender mothers
Transgender movement
Transgender museums
Transgender Muslims
Transgender Native Americans
Transgender newsletters
Transgender newspapers
Transgender pagans
Transgender parents
Transgender people in the military
Transgender people of colour
Transgender poetry
Transgender political activists
Transgender porn films
Transgender press
Transgender prostitutes
Transgender prostitution
Transgender Protestants
Transgender publishers
Transgender radio
Transgender relationships
Transgender rights
Transgender Roman Catholics
Transgender slang
Transgender sons
Transgender studies
Transgender survivors of hate crimes
Transgender survivors of rape
Transgender survivors of sexual abuse
Transgender survivors of war
Transgender youth
Transgender television
Transgender theatre
Transgender theology
Transgender victims of hate crimes
Transgender victims of rape
Transgender victims of sexual abuse
Transgender victims of war
Transgender victims' rights
Transgender White people
Transgender youth literature
Transitioning status
Transitioning (Transgender)
Transmasculine people
Trigender identity
Trigender people
Turner syndrome
Two-spirit people
Uncut men
Undocumented LGBTQ residents
Unmarried couples
Vaginal dilation
Vaginal fisting
Vaginal sex
Victims' rights (LGBTQ)
Voice therapy (Transgender)
Wacking off
Widowed people
Witches (Lesbian)
Women who have sex with women
Women's bookshops
Women's community centres
Women's libraries
Women's marriages
Women's music festivals
Yinyang ren
Youth (LGBTQ)
Youth literature (LGBTQ)
Recovery groups
Adult Children of Alcoholics
Alcoholics Anonymous
Cocaine addiction
Cocaine Anonymous
Compulsory sexuality
Crystal meth addiction
Crystal Meth Anonymous
Internet sex addiction
LGBTQ alcoholics
LGBTQ children of alcoholics
LGBTQ partners of alcoholics
LGBTQ people in Adult Children of Alcoholics
LGBTQ people in Al-Anon
LGBTQ People in Alcoholics Anonymous
LGBTQ people in Cocaine Anonymous
LGBTQ people in Crystal Meth Anonymous
LGBTQ people in Narcotics Anonymous
LGBTQ people in recovery
LGBTQ people with addictions
LGBTQ recovery groups
LGBTQ step work
Leather bars
Narcotics Anonymous
Reclaimed terms
Lesbian fantasy fiction
Gay fantasy fiction
Bisexual fantasy fiction
Transgender fantasy fiction
Queer fantasy fiction
Lesbian science fiction
Gay science fiction
Bisexual science fiction
Transgender science fiction
Queer science fiction
Lesbian mystery and detective fiction
Gay mystery and detective fiction
Bisexual mystery and detective fiction
Transgender mystery and detective fiction
Queer mystery and detective fiction
Horror fiction (LGBTQ)
Lesbian horror fiction
Gay horror fiction
Bisexual horror fiction
Transgender horror fiction
Queer horror fiction
Romance fiction (LGBTQ)
Lesbian comics
Gay comics
Bisexual comics
Transgender comics
Queer comics
Lesbian romance fiction
Gay romance fiction
Bisexual romance fiction
Transgender romance fiction
Queer romance fiction
Lesbian erotic literature
Gay erotic literature
Bisexual erotic literature
Transgender erotic literature
Queer erotic literature
Literary criticism (LGBTQ)
Lesbian literary criticism
Gay literary criticism
Bisexual literary criticism
Transgender literary criticism
Queer literary criticism
Short stories (LGBTQ)
Lesbian short stories
Gay short stories
Bisexual short stories
Transgender short stories
Queer short stories
Biographies (LGBTQ)
Lesbian biographies
Gay biographies
Bisexual biographies
Transgender biographies
Queer biographies
Breast augmentation
Breast fetishism
Breast reduction
Breast size
Clergy (LGBTQ)
DADT relationships
Greysexual People
Hard swap
Hierarchical nonmonogamy
Large breasts
Megasexual people
Primary partners
Relationship orientation
Relationship minorities
Secondary partners
Small breasts
Soft swap
Trans women
Trans men
Anchor partners
Assigned X at birth
Assigned sex
Compulsory monogamy
Consensual non-monogamy
Gym subculture
Nesting partners
Non-consensual non-monogamy
Non-monogamous people
NRE (New Relationship Energy)
Polyamorous people
Relationship anarchists
Relationship anarchy
Transgenderqueer people
Xenogender people
Ae (pronouns)
Co (pronouns)
Cy (pronouns)
E (pronouns)
Ey (pronouns)
Fe (pronouns)
Fae (pronouns)
Fey (pronouns)
He (pronouns)
Hu (pronouns)
It (pronouns)
Jee (pronouns)
Kit (pronouns)
Ne/nir (pronouns)
Ne/nem (pronouns)
Peh (pronouns)
Per (pronouns)
Sie (pronouns)
Se (pronouns)
She (pronouns)
Shi (pronouns)
Si (pronouns)
They/them/themselves (pronouns)
They/them/themself (pronouns)
Thon (pronouns)
Ve/ver (pronouns)
Ve/vem (pronouns)
Voi (pronouns)
Vi/ver (pronouns)
Vi/vim (pronouns)
Xie (pronouns)
Xe (pronouns)
Xey/xem/xyr (pronouns)
Xey/xem/xeir (pronouns)
Yo (pronouns)
Ze (pronouns)
Ze/hir (pronouns)
Ze/zem (pronouns)
Ze/mer (pronouns)
Zee/zed (pronouns)
Zee/zir (pronouns)
Zie/zem (pronouns)
Zie/hir (pronouns)
Zme (pronouns)
[#<Term id: 1970, pid: "homosaurus/v2/5AlphaReductaseDeficiency", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "5AlphaReductaseDeficiency", pref_label: "5-alpha reductase deficiency", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:45", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:38", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:38", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1971, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQAboriginalPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQAboriginalPeople", pref_label: "LGBTQ Aboriginal people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:40", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:40", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Aboriginal people (LGBTQ)", "LGBTQ Aboriginals"], alt_labels_language: ["Aboriginal people (LGBTQ)", "LGBTQ Aboriginals"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1972, pid: "homosaurus/v2/acault", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "acault", pref_label: "Acault", pref_label_language: nil, description: "In Burmese culture, people assigned male at birth ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:41", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:41", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1973, pid: "homosaurus/v2/asexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asexuality", pref_label: "Asexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A sexual orientation generally characterized by a ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Ace"], alt_labels_language: ["Ace"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1974, pid: "homosaurus/v2/HIVAIDS", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "HIVAIDS", pref_label: "HIV/AIDS", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:44", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:44", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Acquired immune deficiency syndrome", "AIDS", "Gay related immune-deficiency", "GRIDS", "Gay related immuno-deficiency"], alt_labels_language: ["Acquired immune deficiency syndrome", "AIDS", "Gay related immune-deficiency", "GRIDS", "Gay related immuno-deficiency"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1975, pid: "homosaurus/v2/activismLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "activismLGBTQ", pref_label: "Activism (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:46", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:46", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1976, pid: "homosaurus/v2/activistsLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "activistsLGBTQ", pref_label: "Activists (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:47", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:47", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Political activists (LGBTQ)"], alt_labels_language: ["Political activists (LGBTQ)"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1977, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQActors", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQActors", pref_label: "LGBTQ actors", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:49", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:49", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Actors (LGBTQ)", "Actresses (LGBTQ)"], alt_labels_language: ["Actors (LGBTQ)", "Actresses (LGBTQ)"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1978, pid: "homosaurus/v2/adoptiveParenthood", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "adoptiveParenthood", pref_label: "Adoptive parenthood", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:51", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:51", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1979, pid: "homosaurus/v2/adoptiveParents", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "adoptiveParents", pref_label: "Adoptive parents", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:52", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:52", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1980, pid: "homosaurus/v2/sexIndustry", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexIndustry", pref_label: "Sex industry", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:54", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:54", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Adult entertainment industry"], alt_labels_language: ["Adult entertainment industry"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1981, pid: "homosaurus/v2/sexShops", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexShops", pref_label: "Sex shops", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:55", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Adult entertainment stores"], alt_labels_language: ["Adult entertainment stores"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1982, pid: "homosaurus/v2/pornFilmsLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "pornFilmsLGBTQ", pref_label: "Porn films (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:57", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:57", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Adult films (LGBTQ)", "Porn videos (LGBTQ)", "X-rated films (LGBTQ)"], alt_labels_language: ["Adult films (LGBTQ)", "Porn videos (LGBTQ)", "X-rated films (LGBTQ)"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: ["", ""], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1983, pid: "homosaurus/v2/sexCinemas", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexCinemas", pref_label: "Sex cinemas", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:48:58", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:48:58", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Adult movie theatres"], alt_labels_language: ["Adult movie theatres"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1984, pid: "homosaurus/v2/africanAmericansLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "africanAmericansLGBTQ", pref_label: "African-Americans (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:00", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1985, pid: "homosaurus/v2/afroCanadiansLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "afroCanadiansLGBTQ", pref_label: "Afro-Canadians (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1986, pid: "homosaurus/v2/afroCaribbeansLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "afroCaribbeansLGBTQ", pref_label: "Afro-Caribbeans (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:03", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:03", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1987, pid: "homosaurus/v2/afroEuropeansLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "afroEuropeansLGBTQ", pref_label: "Afro-Europeans (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:04", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:04", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1988, pid: "homosaurus/v2/afroLatinAmericansLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "afroLatinAmericansLGBTQ", pref_label: "Afro-Latin Americans (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:06", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:06", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1989, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ageOfConsent", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ageOfConsent", pref_label: "Age of consent", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:08", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:08", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1990, pid: "homosaurus/v2/agenderPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "agenderPeople", pref_label: "Agender people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "People without gender", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:09", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:09", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1991, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ageplay", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ageplay", pref_label: "Ageplay", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:11", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:11", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Age play"], alt_labels_language: ["Age play"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1992, pid: "homosaurus/v2/agi", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "agi", pref_label: "Agi", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Filipino word that translates to both hermaphrodit...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:12", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:12", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1993, pid: "homosaurus/v2/AIDSActivists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSActivists", pref_label: "AIDS activists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:14", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:14", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1994, pid: "homosaurus/v2/AIDSAwareness", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSAwareness", pref_label: "AIDS awareness", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:15", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:15", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1995, pid: "homosaurus/v2/AIDSInformationCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSInformationCentres", pref_label: "AIDS information centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:17", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:17", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AIDS documentation centres"], alt_labels_language: ["AIDS documentation centres"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1996, pid: "homosaurus/v2/AIDSEducation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSEducation", pref_label: "AIDS education", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:18", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:18", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1997, pid: "homosaurus/v2/AIDSMemorialQuilts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSMemorialQuilts", pref_label: "AIDS memorial quilts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1998, pid: "homosaurus/v2/AIDSMemorials", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSMemorials", pref_label: "AIDS memorials", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:21", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:21", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 1999, pid: "homosaurus/v2/AIDSOrganisations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSOrganisations", pref_label: "AIDS organisations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:23", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:23", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AIDS organizations"], alt_labels_language: ["AIDS organizations"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2000, pid: "homosaurus/v2/AIDSPeriodicals", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSPeriodicals", pref_label: "AIDS periodicals", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:24", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:24", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2001, pid: "homosaurus/v2/AIDSPhobia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "AIDSPhobia", pref_label: "AIDS phobia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:26", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:26", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AIDSphobia", "Fear of AIDS"], alt_labels_language: ["AIDSphobia", "Fear of AIDS"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2002, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ARC", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ARC", pref_label: "ARC", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:27", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:27", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AIDS related complex"], alt_labels_language: ["AIDS related complex"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2003, pid: "homosaurus/v2/redRibbons", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "redRibbons", pref_label: "Red ribbons", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:29", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:29", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AIDS ribbons"], alt_labels_language: ["AIDS ribbons"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2004, pid: "homosaurus/v2/akavaine", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "akavaine", pref_label: "Akava'ine", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A Cook Islands Māori word referring to transgender...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:30", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:30", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2005, pid: "homosaurus/v2/SM", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "SM", pref_label: "SM", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Algolagnia", "S & M", "S and M", "Sadomasochism"], alt_labels_language: ["Algolagnia", "S & M", "S and M", "Sadomasochism"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2006, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ali", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ali", pref_label: "Ali", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Tamil slur for effeminate gay man; directly transl...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:33", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:33", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2007, pid: "homosaurus/v2/allies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "allies", pref_label: "Allies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:35", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2008, pid: "homosaurus/v2/alyha", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "alyha", pref_label: "Alyha", pref_label_language: nil, description: "In Native American Mohave tribes, people assigned ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:36", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:36", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2009, pid: "homosaurus/v2/amazons", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "amazons", pref_label: "Amazons", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Nation of all-female warriors in Greek mythology a...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:38", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:38", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2010, pid: "homosaurus/v2/analBeads", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "analBeads", pref_label: "Anal beads", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:39", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:39", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2011, pid: "homosaurus/v2/analFisting", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "analFisting", pref_label: "Anal fisting", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:40", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:40", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2012, pid: "homosaurus/v2/analSex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "analSex", pref_label: "Anal sex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2013, pid: "homosaurus/v2/androgenInsensitivitySyndrome", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "androgenInsensitivitySyndrome", pref_label: "Androgen insensitivity syndrome", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2014, pid: "homosaurus/v2/androgynousPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "androgynousPeople", pref_label: "Androgynous people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "People who have a non-binary gender that includes ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:46", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2015, pid: "homosaurus/v2/androgynos", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "androgynos", pref_label: "Androgynos", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Israeli term used in Rabbinical literature to desc...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:46", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:46", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2016, pid: "homosaurus/v2/androgyny", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "androgyny", pref_label: "Androgyny", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Combination of masculine and feminine characterist...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:48", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:48", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2017, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQAnglicans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQAnglicans", pref_label: "LGBTQ Anglicans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:49", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:49", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Anglicans (LGBTQ)", "LGBTQ Church of England", "LGBTQ Episcopalians"], alt_labels_language: ["Anglicans (LGBTQ)", "LGBTQ Church of England", "LGBTQ Episcopalians"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2018, pid: "homosaurus/v2/rimming", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "rimming", pref_label: "Rimming", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:51", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:51", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Anilingus"], alt_labels_language: ["Anilingus"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2019, pid: "homosaurus/v2/anonymousSex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anonymousSex", pref_label: "Anonymous sex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:52", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:52", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2020, pid: "homosaurus/v2/antiBisexualDiscrimination", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "antiBisexualDiscrimination", pref_label: "Anti-bisexual discrimination", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:54", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:54", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2021, pid: "homosaurus/v2/antiBisexualViolence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "antiBisexualViolence", pref_label: "Anti-bisexual violence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:55", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2022, pid: "homosaurus/v2/anti-discriminationLaw", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anti-discriminationLaw", pref_label: "Anti-discrimination law", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:57", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:57", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2023, pid: "homosaurus/v2/anti-feminism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anti-feminism", pref_label: "Anti-feminism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Opposition to some or all forms of feminism", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:49:58", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:49:58", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2024, pid: "homosaurus/v2/antiGayDiscrimination", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "antiGayDiscrimination", pref_label: "Anti-gay discrimination", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:00", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2025, pid: "homosaurus/v2/anti-gayViolence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anti-gayViolence", pref_label: "Anti-gay violence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gay bashing"], alt_labels_language: ["Gay bashing"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2026, pid: "homosaurus/v2/antiLesbianDiscrimination", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "antiLesbianDiscrimination", pref_label: "Anti-lesbian discrimination", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:03", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:03", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2027, pid: "homosaurus/v2/anti-lesbianViolence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anti-lesbianViolence", pref_label: "Anti-lesbian violence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:04", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:04", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Lesbian bashing"], alt_labels_language: ["Lesbian bashing"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2028, pid: "homosaurus/v2/antiLGBTQViolence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "antiLGBTQViolence", pref_label: "Anti-LGBTQ violence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:06", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:06", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2029, pid: "homosaurus/v2/antiQueerDiscrimination", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "antiQueerDiscrimination", pref_label: "Anti-queer discrimination", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:07", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:07", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2030, pid: "homosaurus/v2/antiQueerViolence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "antiQueerViolence", pref_label: "Anti-queer violence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:08", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:08", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2031, pid: "homosaurus/v2/antiTransgenderDiscrimination", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "antiTransgenderDiscrimination", pref_label: "Anti-transgender discrimination", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2032, pid: "homosaurus/v2/anti-transgenderViolence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "anti-transgenderViolence", pref_label: "Anti-transgender violence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:11", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:11", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2033, pid: "homosaurus/v2/aphallia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "aphallia", pref_label: "Aphallia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:13", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:13", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2034, pid: "homosaurus/v2/aravani", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "aravani", pref_label: "Aravani", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Indian term for people who identify as women trapp...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:14", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:14", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Aruvani"], alt_labels_language: ["Aruvani"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2035, pid: "homosaurus/v2/archivesLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "archivesLGBTQ", pref_label: "Archives (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:15", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:15", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["LGBTQ archives"], alt_labels_language: ["LGBTQ archives"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2036, pid: "homosaurus/v2/aromanticPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "aromanticPeople", pref_label: "Aromantic people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:17", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:17", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2037, pid: "homosaurus/v2/arrestsOfLGBTQPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "arrestsOfLGBTQPeople", pref_label: "Arrests of LGBTQ people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:19", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:19", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2038, pid: "homosaurus/v2/insemination", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "insemination", pref_label: "Insemination", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Artificial insemination", "Donor insemination", "Fertilisation", "Fertilization"], alt_labels_language: ["Artificial insemination", "Donor insemination", "Fertilisation", "Fertilization"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2039, pid: "homosaurus/v2/artistsLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "artistsLGBTQ", pref_label: "Artists (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:22", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:22", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2040, pid: "homosaurus/v2/asexualPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asexualPeople", pref_label: "Asexual people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:23", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:23", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Aces"], alt_labels_language: ["Aces"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2041, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ashtime", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ashtime", pref_label: "Ashtime", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Term used by the Maale people in Ethiopia for peop...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:25", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:25", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2042, pid: "homosaurus/v2/asianAmericansLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asianAmericansLGBTQ", pref_label: "Asian Americans (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Americans of Asian descent (LGBTQ)", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:26", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:26", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2043, pid: "homosaurus/v2/asiansLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "asiansLGBTQ", pref_label: "Asians (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:28", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:28", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2044, pid: "homosaurus/v2/autoeroticAsphyxiation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "autoeroticAsphyxiation", pref_label: "Autoerotic asphyxiation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:29", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:29", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Asphyxiophilia", "Autoerotic asphyxia", "Hypoxyphilia", "Strangulation sex"], alt_labels_language: ["Asphyxiophilia", "Autoerotic asphyxia", "Hypoxyphilia", "Strangulation sex"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2045, pid: "homosaurus/v2/assFucking", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "assFucking", pref_label: "Ass fucking", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Butt fucking"], alt_labels_language: ["Butt fucking"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2046, pid: "homosaurus/v2/assignedFemaleAtBirth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "assignedFemaleAtBirth", pref_label: "Assigned female at birth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "An assignment of a female gender marker or a femal...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:32", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:32", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AFAB", "Assigned F at birth", "Designated female at birth", "DFAB", "Female assigned at birth", "FAAB"], alt_labels_language: ["AFAB", "Assigned F at birth", "Designated female at birth", "DFAB", "Female assigned at birth", "FAAB"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2047, pid: "homosaurus/v2/assignedGender", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "assignedGender", pref_label: "Assigned gender", pref_label_language: nil, description: "The gender, typically \"girl\" or \"boy,\" ascribed to...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:33", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:33", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2048, pid: "homosaurus/v2/assignedMaleAtBirth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "assignedMaleAtBirth", pref_label: "Assigned male at birth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "An assignment of a male gender marker or a male se...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:35", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["AMAB", "Assigned M at birth", "Designated male at birth", "DMAB", "Male assigned at birth", "MAAB"], alt_labels_language: ["AMAB", "Assigned M at birth", "Designated male at birth", "DMAB", "Male assigned at birth", "MAAB"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2049, pid: "homosaurus/v2/normalisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "normalisation", pref_label: "Normalisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:36", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:36", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Assimilation", "Normalization"], alt_labels_language: ["Assimilation", "Normalization"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2050, pid: "homosaurus/v2/assplay", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "assplay", pref_label: "Assplay", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:38", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:38", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2051, pid: "homosaurus/v2/atheistsLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "atheistsLGBTQ", pref_label: "Atheists (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:39", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:39", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2052, pid: "homosaurus/v2/autoeroticism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "autoeroticism", pref_label: "Autoeroticism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:41", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:41", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2053, pid: "homosaurus/v2/aversionTherapy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "aversionTherapy", pref_label: "Aversion therapy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Behavior modification therapy intended to displace...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2054, pid: "homosaurus/v2/aylonit", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "aylonit", pref_label: "Aylonit", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Israeli term referring to a woman with masculine d...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2055, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bondage", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bondage", pref_label: "Bondage", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["B & D", "Bondage and discipline"], alt_labels_language: ["B & D", "Bondage and discipline"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2056, pid: "homosaurus/v2/darkRooms", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "darkRooms", pref_label: "Dark rooms", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:46", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:46", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Backrooms"], alt_labels_language: ["Backrooms"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2057, pid: "homosaurus/v2/babyDyke", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "babyDyke", pref_label: "Baby dyke", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A newly out person", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:48", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:48", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2058, pid: "homosaurus/v2/babyGay", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "babyGay", pref_label: "Baby gay", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A newly out person", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:49", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:49", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2059, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bading", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bading", pref_label: "Bading", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Derogatory Filipino term referring to gay men who ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:51", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:51", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2060, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bakla", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bakla", pref_label: "Bakla", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Filipino word for people who are assigned male at ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:52", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:52", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2061, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ballCulture", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ballCulture", pref_label: "Ball culture", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:54", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:54", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Ballroom community", "Ballroom culture"], alt_labels_language: ["Ballroom community", "Ballroom culture"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2062, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ballgags", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ballgags", pref_label: "Ballgags", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:47", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:55", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2063, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ballroomFamilies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ballroomFamilies", pref_label: "Ballroom families", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:57", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:57", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2064, pid: "homosaurus/v2/banjees", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "banjees", pref_label: "Banjees", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Term from the 1980s (or earlier) that describes a ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:50:58", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:50:58", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2065, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bantut", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bantut", pref_label: "Bantut", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Filipino term for a gay man who assume the clothes...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:00", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2066, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQBaptists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQBaptists", pref_label: "LGBTQ Baptists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Baptists (LGBTQ)"], alt_labels_language: ["Baptists (LGBTQ)"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2067, pid: "homosaurus/v2/berdache", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "berdache", pref_label: "Berdache", pref_label_language: nil, description: "An offensive term developed by settler anthropolog...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:02", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:02", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Bardache"], alt_labels_language: ["Bardache"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2068, pid: "homosaurus/v2/barebacking", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "barebacking", pref_label: "Barebacking", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Anal intercourse without a condom", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:04", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:04", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2069, pid: "homosaurus/v2/barsLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "barsLGBTQ", pref_label: "Bars (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:05", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:05", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2070, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bayot", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bayot", pref_label: "Bayot", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Derogatory Cebuano term used in the Philippines fo...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:07", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:07", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2071, pid: "homosaurus/v2/BDSM", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "BDSM", pref_label: "BDSM", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Erotic preference and form of personal relationshi...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:08", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:08", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2072, pid: "homosaurus/v2/BDSMCommunity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "BDSMCommunity", pref_label: "BDSM community", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2073, pid: "homosaurus/v2/beachesLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "beachesLGBTQ", pref_label: "Beaches (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:11", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:11", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2074, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bears", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bears", pref_label: "Bears", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:13", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:13", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Bear men"], alt_labels_language: ["Bear men"], broader: ["", "", "", ""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2075, pid: "homosaurus/v2/behaviouralTherapy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "behaviouralTherapy", pref_label: "Behavioural therapy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:14", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:14", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2076, pid: "homosaurus/v2/beingInLove", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "beingInLove", pref_label: "Being in love", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:16", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:16", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2077, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bi+People", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bi+People", pref_label: "Bi+ people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Individuals who are not exclusively sexually and r...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:18", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:18", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [], alt_labels_language: [], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2078, pid: "homosaurus/v2/hateCrimes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hateCrimes", pref_label: "Hate crimes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:19", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:19", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Bias-related crimes"], alt_labels_language: ["Bias-related crimes"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2079, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bigenderIdentity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bigenderIdentity", pref_label: "Bigender identity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Gender identity including two genders", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:21", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:21", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2080, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bigenderPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bigenderPeople", pref_label: "Bigender people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "People who identify as any two genders either simu...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:22", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:22", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2081, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intoleranceTowardsLGBTQPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intoleranceTowardsLGBTQPeople", pref_label: "Intolerance towards LGBTQ people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:24", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:24", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Bigotry towards LGBTQ people", "Prejudice towards LGBTQ people"], alt_labels_language: ["Bigotry towards LGBTQ people", "Prejudice towards LGBTQ people"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2082, pid: "homosaurus/v2/binabae", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "binabae", pref_label: "Binabae", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Filipino term for an individuals with both male an...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:25", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:25", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2083, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bindingChest", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bindingChest", pref_label: "Binding (chest)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:27", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:27", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2084, pid: "homosaurus/v2/essentialism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "essentialism", pref_label: "Essentialism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:28", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:28", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Biological essentialism"], alt_labels_language: ["Biological essentialism"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2085, pid: "homosaurus/v2/biologicalParenthood", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "biologicalParenthood", pref_label: "Biological parenthood", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Person who has a biological relation to a child or...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:30", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:30", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2086, pid: "homosaurus/v2/biphobia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "biphobia", pref_label: "Biphobia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2087, pid: "homosaurus/v2/birthCertificateAmendments", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "birthCertificateAmendments", pref_label: "Birth certificate amendments", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:33", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:33", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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[], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2093, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualAfroCanadians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualAfroCanadians", pref_label: "Bisexual Afro-Canadians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2098, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualArtists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualArtists", pref_label: "Bisexual artists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:50", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:50", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2099, pid: 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"2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:53", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:53", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2101, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualAtheists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualAtheists", pref_label: "Bisexual atheists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:54", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:54", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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"homosaurus/v2/bisexualBeaches", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualBeaches", pref_label: "Bisexual beaches", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:57", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:57", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2104, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualBlackPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualBlackPeople", pref_label: "Bisexual Black people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:51:58", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:51:58", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2105, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualBookshops", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualBookshops", pref_label: "Bisexual bookshops", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:00", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], 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"homosaurus/v2/bisexualBuddhists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualBuddhists", pref_label: "Bisexual Buddhists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:03", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:03", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2108, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualCharacters", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualCharacters", pref_label: "Bisexual characters", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:48", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:04", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:04", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2109, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualChildren", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualChildren", pref_label: "Bisexual children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:05", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:05", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], 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nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2113, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualCommunityCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualCommunityCentres", pref_label: "Bisexual community centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:11", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:11", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2115, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualDaughters", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualDaughters", pref_label: "Bisexual daughters", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:14", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:14", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2116, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualInformationCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualInformationCentres", pref_label: "Bisexual information centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:16", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:16", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Bisexual documentation centres"], alt_labels_language: ["Bisexual documentation centres"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2117, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualDominatrices", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualDominatrices", pref_label: "Bisexual dominatrices", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:17", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:17", labels: [], 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[], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2119, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualFamilies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualFamilies", pref_label: "Bisexual families", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2120, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualFiction", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualFiction", pref_label: "Bisexual fiction", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:22", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:22", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2121, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualGirls", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualGirls", pref_label: "Bisexual girls", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:23", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:23", labels: [], labels_language: [], 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"v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2123, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualJews", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualJews", pref_label: "Bisexual Jews", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:26", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:26", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2124, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualLatinx", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualLatinx", pref_label: "Bisexual Latinx", pref_label_language: nil, 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vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2127, pid: "homosaurus/v2/mixed-orientationMarriage", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "mixed-orientationMarriage", pref_label: "Mixed-orientation marriage", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:32", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:32", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Bisexual marriage"], alt_labels_language: ["Bisexual marriage"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2128, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualMasters", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualMasters", pref_label: "Bisexual masters", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:34", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:34", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2129, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualMen", pref_label: "Bisexual men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:35", labels: [], 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identifier: "bisexualMuseums", pref_label: "Bisexual museums", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:40", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:40", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2133, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualMuslims", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualMuslims", pref_label: "Bisexual Muslims", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:41", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:41", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2134, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualNativeAmericans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualNativeAmericans", pref_label: "Bisexual Native Americans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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uri: "", identifier: "bisexualNewspapers", pref_label: "Bisexual newspapers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:46", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:46", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2137, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualPagans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualPagans", pref_label: "Bisexual pagans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:47", 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[""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2139, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualPeople", pref_label: "Bisexual people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:51", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:51", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Bisexuals"], alt_labels_language: ["Bisexuals"], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2140, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualPeopleInTheMilitary", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualPeopleInTheMilitary", pref_label: "Bisexual people in the military", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:52", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:52", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2141, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualPeopleOfColour", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualPeopleOfColour", pref_label: "Bisexual people of colour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:53", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:53", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2142, pid: "homosaurus/v2/parentsOfBisexualPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "parentsOfBisexualPeople", pref_label: "Parents of bisexual people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:55", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Bisexual people’s parents"], alt_labels_language: ["Bisexual people’s parents"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2143, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualPoetry", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualPoetry", pref_label: "Bisexual poetry", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:56", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:56", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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identifier: "bisexualPornFilms", pref_label: "Bisexual porn films", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:52:59", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:52:59", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2146, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualPress", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualPress", pref_label: "Bisexual press", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2147, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualProstitutes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualProstitutes", pref_label: "Bisexual prostitutes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:02", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:02", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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"bisexualPublishers", pref_label: "Bisexual publishers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:05", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:05", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2150, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualRadio", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualRadio", pref_label: "Bisexual radio", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:06", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:06", 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"bisexualRomanCatholics", pref_label: "Bisexual Roman Catholics", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:11", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:11", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2154, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualSlang", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualSlang", pref_label: "Bisexual slang", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:12", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:12", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2155, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualSons", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualSons", pref_label: "Bisexual sons", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:14", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:14", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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"bisexualSurvivorsOfHateCrimes", pref_label: "Bisexual survivors of hate crimes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:16", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:16", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2158, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualSurvivorsOfRape", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualSurvivorsOfRape", pref_label: "Bisexual survivors of rape", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:18", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:18", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2159, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualSurvivorsOfSexualAbuse", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualSurvivorsOfSexualAbuse", pref_label: "Bisexual survivors of sexual abuse", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:19", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:19", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], 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[]>, #<Term id: 2161, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualYouth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualYouth", pref_label: "Bisexual youth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:49", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:22", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:22", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Bisexual teenagers"], alt_labels_language: ["Bisexual teenagers"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2162, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualTelevision", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualTelevision", pref_label: "Bisexual television", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: 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[], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2168, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualVictimsOfWar", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualVictimsOfWar", pref_label: "Bisexual victims of war", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:32", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:32", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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pref_label: "Bisexual White people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:35", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2171, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualWomen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualWomen", pref_label: "Bisexual women", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:37", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:37", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2172, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bisexualYouthLiterature", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bisexualYouthLiterature", pref_label: "Bisexual youth literature", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:38", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:38", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], 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pref_label_language: nil, description: "Mentally and physically androgynous shamans in Bug...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:41", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:41", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2175, pid: "homosaurus/v2/biting", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "biting", pref_label: "Biting", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Sexual arousal through biting", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2176, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bizaah", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bizaah", pref_label: "Biza'ah", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Among the Zapotec in Teotitlán del Valle, Mexico, ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:44", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:44", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2177, pid: "homosaurus/v2/blackPeopleLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "blackPeopleLGBTQ", pref_label: "Black people (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Used only for people of Black-African descent and ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2178, pid: "homosaurus/v2/blindfolds", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "blindfolds", pref_label: "Blindfolds", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:47", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:47", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2179, pid: "homosaurus/v2/blogs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "blogs", pref_label: "Blogs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A website or webpage, typically run by an individu...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:48", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:48", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2180, pid: "homosaurus/v2/vampirism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "vampirism", pref_label: "Vampirism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:50", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:50", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Blood sports", "Vampire sex"], alt_labels_language: ["Blood sports", "Vampire sex"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2181, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fellatio", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fellatio", pref_label: "Fellatio", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:51", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:51", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Blow jobs", "Cocksucking", "Penilingus"], alt_labels_language: ["Blow jobs", "Cocksucking", "Penilingus"], broader: ["", "", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2182, pid: "homosaurus/v2/sexDolls", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexDolls", pref_label: "Sex dolls", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:53", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:53", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Blow up dolls", "Inflatable dolls"], alt_labels_language: ["Blow up dolls", "Inflatable dolls"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2183, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bodyAdornments", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bodyAdornments", pref_label: "Body adornments", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:54", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:54", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Body decoration"], alt_labels_language: ["Body decoration"], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2184, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bois", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bois", pref_label: "Bois", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Slang for young masculine or transmasculine people...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:55", labels: [], 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exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2186, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bootblacking", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bootblacking", pref_label: "Bootblacking", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:53:59", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:53:59", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2187, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bostonMarriages", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bostonMarriages", pref_label: "Boston marriages", pref_label_language: nil, description: "The cohabitation (often romantic relationship) of ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:00", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2188, pid: "homosaurus/v2/bottoms", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "bottoms", pref_label: "Bottoms", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A submissive partner role in BDSM play or a recept...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2189, pid: "homosaurus/v2/boys", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "boys", pref_label: "Boys", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:03", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:03", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2190, pid: "homosaurus/v2/boysFriendships", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "boysFriendships", pref_label: "Boys' friendships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:04", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:04", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2191, pid: "homosaurus/v2/breasts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "breasts", pref_label: "Breasts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:06", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:06", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Boobs", "Bosoms", "Bosom", "Tits", "Titties"], alt_labels_language: ["Boobs", "Bosoms", "Bosom", "Tits", "Titties"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2192, pid: "homosaurus/v2/brothels", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "brothels", pref_label: "Brothels", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:07", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:07", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2193, pid: "homosaurus/v2/brotherboys", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "brotherboys", pref_label: "Brotherboys", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Indigenous Australian term for people who transiti...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:09", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:09", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Brothaboys"], alt_labels_language: ["Brothaboys"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2194, pid: "homosaurus/v2/buddhistsLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "buddhistsLGBTQ", pref_label: "Buddhists (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2195, pid: "homosaurus/v2/buddyCareForLGBTQPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "buddyCareForLGBTQPeople", pref_label: "Buddy care for LGBTQ people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:12", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:12", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Buddies"], alt_labels_language: ["Buddies"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2196, pid: "homosaurus/v2/sodomites", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sodomites", pref_label: "Sodomites", 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close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2199, pid: "homosaurus/v2/butchFemmeRelationships", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "butchFemmeRelationships", pref_label: "Butch-femme relationships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:17", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:17", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2200, pid: "homosaurus/v2/butches", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "butches", pref_label: "Butches", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A masculine person of any gender, though it is com...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:19", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:19", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2201, pid: "homosaurus/v2/buttocks", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "buttocks", pref_label: "Buttocks", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2202, pid: "homosaurus/v2/buttplugs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "buttplugs", pref_label: "Buttplugs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:22", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:22", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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2204, pid: "homosaurus/v2/calalai", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "calalai", pref_label: "Calalai", pref_label_language: nil, description: "In Bugis culture, refers to people assigned female...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:25", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:25", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2205, pid: "homosaurus/v2/maleProstitutes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "maleProstitutes", pref_label: "Male prostitutes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:26", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:26", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Call boys", "Gigolos", "Male hustlers", "Rent boys", "Taxi boys"], alt_labels_language: ["Call boys", "Gigolos", "Male hustlers", "Rent boys", "Taxi boys"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2206, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQCalvinists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQCalvinists", pref_label: "LGBTQ Calvinists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:28", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:28", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Calvinists (LGBTQ)"], alt_labels_language: ["Calvinists (LGBTQ)"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2207, pid: "homosaurus/v2/camp", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "camp", pref_label: "Camp", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Aesthetic style and sensibility that values irony ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:30", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:30", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2208, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cunnilingus", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cunnilingus", pref_label: "Cunnilingus", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Carpet munching", "Cunt licking", "Eating pussy", "Muff diving"], alt_labels_language: ["Carpet munching", "Cunt licking", "Eating pussy", "Muff diving"], broader: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2209, pid: "homosaurus/v2/eunuchs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eunuchs", pref_label: "Eunuchs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:33", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:33", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Castrati"], alt_labels_language: ["Castrati"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2210, pid: "homosaurus/v2/castration", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "castration", pref_label: "Castration", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:34", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:34", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2211, pid: "homosaurus/v2/casualSex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "casualSex", pref_label: "Casual sex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:36", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:36", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Promiscuity"], alt_labels_language: ["Promiscuity"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2212, pid: "homosaurus/v2/whitePeopleLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "whitePeopleLGBTQ", pref_label: "White people (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:50", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:37", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:37", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Caucasians (LGBTQ)"], alt_labels_language: ["Caucasians (LGBTQ)"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2213, pid: "homosaurus/v2/celibacy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "celibacy", pref_label: "Celibacy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:39", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:39", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2214, pid: "homosaurus/v2/censorship", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "censorship", pref_label: "Censorship", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:40", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:40", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2215, pid: "homosaurus/v2/chakka", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chakka", pref_label: "Chakka", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Derogatory term for a third gender person in Karna...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2216, pid: "homosaurus/v2/legalNameChange", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "legalNameChange", pref_label: "Legal name change", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Change of name"], alt_labels_language: ["Change of name"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2217, pid: "homosaurus/v2/changingRooms", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "changingRooms", pref_label: "Changing rooms", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:44", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:44", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2218, pid: "homosaurus/v2/charactersLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "charactersLGBTQ", pref_label: "Characters (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:46", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:46", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2219, pid: "homosaurus/v2/chatrooms", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chatrooms", pref_label: "Chatrooms", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:47", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:47", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2220, pid: "homosaurus/v2/substanceAbuse", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "substanceAbuse", pref_label: "Substance abuse", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:49", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:49", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Chemical dependency"], alt_labels_language: ["Chemical dependency"], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2221, pid: "homosaurus/v2/chestHarnesses", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chestHarnesses", pref_label: "Chest harnesses", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:50", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:50", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2222, pid: "homosaurus/v2/latinxLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "latinxLGBTQ", pref_label: "Latinx (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", 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created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:53", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:53", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Guardianship", "Parental custody", "Tutelage"], alt_labels_language: ["Guardianship", "Parental custody", "Tutelage"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2224, pid: "homosaurus/v2/children", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "children", pref_label: "Children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Persons between birth and puberty", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:55", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2225, pid: "homosaurus/v2/childrenLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrenLGBTQ", pref_label: "Children (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:56", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:56", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2226, pid: "homosaurus/v2/childrenOfBisexualPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrenOfBisexualPeople", pref_label: "Children of bisexual people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:58", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:58", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2227, pid: "homosaurus/v2/childrenOfGayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrenOfGayMen", pref_label: "Children of gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:54:59", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:54:59", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2228, pid: "homosaurus/v2/childrenOfLesbians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrenOfLesbians", pref_label: "Children of lesbians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2229, pid: "homosaurus/v2/childrenOfLGBTQPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrenOfLGBTQPeople", pref_label: "Children of LGBTQ people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:02", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:02", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2230, pid: "homosaurus/v2/childrenOfTransgenderPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrenOfTransgenderPeople", pref_label: "Children of transgender people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:04", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:04", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2231, pid: "homosaurus/v2/childrenOfQueerPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrenOfQueerPeople", pref_label: "Children of queer people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:05", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:05", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2232, pid: "homosaurus/v2/childrensSexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "childrensSexuality", pref_label: "Children's sexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Sexual behaviour of children", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:07", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:07", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2233, pid: "homosaurus/v2/chosenName", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chosenName", pref_label: "Chosen name", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:08", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:08", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2234, pid: "homosaurus/v2/christiansLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "christiansLGBTQ", pref_label: "Christians (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2235, pid: "homosaurus/v2/chromosomes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chromosomes", pref_label: "Chromosomes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:11", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:11", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2236, pid: "homosaurus/v2/chubsGayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "chubsGayMen", pref_label: "Chubs (Gay men)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:13", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:13", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2237, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cutMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cutMen", pref_label: "Cut men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:14", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:14", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Circumcised men"], alt_labels_language: ["Circumcised men"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2238, pid: "homosaurus/v2/circumcision", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "circumcision", pref_label: "Circumcision", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Surgical removal of the foreskin of the penis", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:16", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:16", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2239, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cisgenderMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cisgenderMen", pref_label: "Cisgender men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:17", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:17", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2240, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cisgenderPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cisgenderPeople", pref_label: "Cisgender people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:19", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:19", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2241, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cisgenderWomen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cisgenderWomen", pref_label: "Cisgender women", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2242, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cissexualPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cissexualPeople", pref_label: "Cissexual people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:21", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:21", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2243, pid: "homosaurus/v2/civilUnions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "civilUnions", pref_label: "Civil unions", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:23", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:23", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Civil partnership", "Registered partnership"], alt_labels_language: ["Civil partnership", "Registered partnership"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2244, pid: "homosaurus/v2/civilUnionDocuments", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "civilUnionDocuments", pref_label: "Civil union documents", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:25", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:25", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2245, pid: "homosaurus/v2/civilRightsLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "civilRightsLGBTQ", pref_label: "Civil rights (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:26", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:26", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["LGBTQ rights"], alt_labels_language: ["LGBTQ rights"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2246, pid: "homosaurus/v2/civilUnionCertificates", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "civilUnionCertificates", pref_label: "Civil union certificates", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:27", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:27", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2247, pid: "homosaurus/v2/prostitutesClients", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "prostitutesClients", pref_label: "Prostitutes' clients", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:29", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:29", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Clients of prostitutes", "Johns", "Tricks"], alt_labels_language: ["Clients of prostitutes", "Johns", "Tricks"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2248, pid: "homosaurus/v2/clitRings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "clitRings", pref_label: "Clit rings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:30", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:30", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2249, pid: "homosaurus/v2/clitoralSex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "clitoralSex", pref_label: "Clitoral sex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:32", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:32", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2250, pid: "homosaurus/v2/clitoridectomy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "clitoridectomy", pref_label: "Clitoridectomy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:33", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:33", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Clitorectomy", "Female circumcision"], alt_labels_language: ["Clitorectomy", "Female circumcision"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2251, pid: "homosaurus/v2/clitoris", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "clitoris", pref_label: "Clitoris", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:35", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2252, pid: "homosaurus/v2/clitoromegaly", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "clitoromegaly", pref_label: "Clitoromegaly", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:36", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:36", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2253, pid: "homosaurus/v2/clonesGayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "clonesGayMen", pref_label: "Clones (gay men)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Historical term for gay men who tended to dress in...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:38", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:38", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2254, pid: "homosaurus/v2/closetedBisexualPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "closetedBisexualPeople", pref_label: "Closeted bisexual people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:39", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:39", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2255, pid: "homosaurus/v2/closetedGayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "closetedGayMen", pref_label: "Closeted gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:41", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:41", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2256, pid: "homosaurus/v2/closetedLesbians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "closetedLesbians", pref_label: "Closeted lesbians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2257, pid: "homosaurus/v2/stealthTransgender", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "stealthTransgender", pref_label: "Stealth (Transgender)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Closeted transgender people"], alt_labels_language: ["Closeted transgender people"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2258, pid: "homosaurus/v2/clothing", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "clothing", pref_label: "Clothing", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:47", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:47", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2259, pid: "homosaurus/v2/partyDrugs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "partyDrugs", pref_label: "Party drugs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:51", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:49", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:49", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Club drugs"], alt_labels_language: ["Club drugs"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2260, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cocaine", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cocaine", pref_label: "Cocaine", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:50", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:50", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2261, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cockRings", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cockRings", pref_label: "Cock rings", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:52", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:52", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2262, pid: "homosaurus/v2/enemas", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "enemas", pref_label: "Enemas", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:53", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:53", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Colonic irrigation"], alt_labels_language: ["Colonic irrigation"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2263, pid: "homosaurus/v2/collars", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "collars", pref_label: "Collars", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:55", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2264, pid: "homosaurus/v2/comingOut", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "comingOut", pref_label: "Coming out", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:56", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:56", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2265, pid: "homosaurus/v2/commonLawMarriage", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "commonLawMarriage", pref_label: "Common law marriage", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:58", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:58", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2266, pid: "homosaurus/v2/communitiesLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "communitiesLGBTQ", pref_label: "Communities (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A group of interacting people, living in some prox...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:55:59", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:55:59", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2267, pid: "homosaurus/v2/communityCentresLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "communityCentresLGBTQ", pref_label: "Community centres (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2268, pid: "homosaurus/v2/condoms", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "condoms", pref_label: "Condoms", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:02", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:02", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Prophylactics", "Rubbers"], alt_labels_language: ["Prophylactics", "Rubbers"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2269, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQConfucianists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQConfucianists", pref_label: "LGBTQ Confucianists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:04", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:04", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Confucianists (LGBTQ)"], alt_labels_language: ["Confucianists (LGBTQ)"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2270, pid: "homosaurus/v2/congenitalAdrenalHyperplasia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "congenitalAdrenalHyperplasia", pref_label: "Congenital adrenal hyperplasia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:05", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:05", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2271, pid: "homosaurus/v2/consent", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "consent", pref_label: "Consent", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Permission or agreement for a set of actions to oc...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:07", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:07", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2272, pid: "homosaurus/v2/sexualReorientation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexualReorientation", pref_label: "Sexual reorientation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:09", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:09", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Conversion therapy", "Gay cures", "Reparative therapy"], alt_labels_language: ["Conversion therapy", "Gay cures", "Reparative therapy"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2273, pid: "homosaurus/v2/secondParentAdoption", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "secondParentAdoption", pref_label: "Second parent adoption", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Co-parent adoption"], alt_labels_language: ["Co-parent adoption"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2274, pid: "homosaurus/v2/scat", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "scat", pref_label: "Scat", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:12", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:12", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Coprophilia", "Poop sex"], alt_labels_language: ["Coprophilia", "Poop sex"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2275, pid: "homosaurus/v2/correctiveRape", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "correctiveRape", pref_label: "Corrective rape", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Criminal practice in which men rape a lesbian, som...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:13", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:13", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2276, pid: "homosaurus/v2/corsets", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "corsets", pref_label: "Corsets", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:14", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:14", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2277, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cottages", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cottages", pref_label: "Cottages", pref_label_language: nil, description: "UK slang term for public bathrooms used as sex loc...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:16", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:16", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Public urinals"], alt_labels_language: ["Public urinals"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2278, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cottaging", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cottaging", pref_label: "Cottaging", pref_label_language: nil, description: "UK slang term referring to anonymous sex in a publ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:17", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:17", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2279, pid: "homosaurus/v2/couplesLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "couplesLGBTQ", pref_label: "Couples (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:19", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:19", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2280, pid: "homosaurus/v2/courtOrders", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "courtOrders", pref_label: "Court orders", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2281, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQVictimsOfCrime", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQVictimsOfCrime", pref_label: "LGBTQ victims of crime", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:22", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:22", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Crime victims (LGBTQ)"], alt_labels_language: ["Crime victims (LGBTQ)"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2282, pid: "homosaurus/v2/criminalLaw", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "criminalLaw", pref_label: "Criminal law", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:23", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:23", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2283, pid: "homosaurus/v2/criminalisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "criminalisation", pref_label: "Criminalisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Process by which behaviors and individuals are tra...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:25", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:25", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Criminalization"], alt_labels_language: ["Criminalization"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2284, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cross-culturalRelationships", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cross-culturalRelationships", pref_label: "Cross-cultural relationships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Relationships between persons from different ethni...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:26", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:26", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Intercultural relationships", "Interracial relationships"], alt_labels_language: ["Intercultural relationships", "Interracial relationships"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2285, pid: "homosaurus/v2/crossdressers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "crossdressers", pref_label: "Crossdressers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:28", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:28", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Cross-dressers"], alt_labels_language: ["Cross-dressers"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2286, pid: "homosaurus/v2/hormoneTherapyGender", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hormoneTherapyGender", pref_label: "Hormone therapy (Gender)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:29", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:29", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Cross-gender hormone therapy", "Hormone reassignment therapy", "Hormone replacement therapy"], alt_labels_language: ["Cross-gender hormone therapy", "Hormone reassignment therapy", "Hormone replacement therapy"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2287, pid: "homosaurus/v2/crossdressing", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "crossdressing", pref_label: "Crossdressing", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2288, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cruising", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cruising", pref_label: "Cruising", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Walking or driving about a locality in search of a...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:32", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:32", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2289, pid: "homosaurus/v2/crystalMeth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "crystalMeth", pref_label: "Crystal meth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:34", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:34", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Tina"], alt_labels_language: ["Tina"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2290, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cubs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cubs", pref_label: "Cubs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Younger, heavy-set masculine people, usually with ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:52", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:35", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2291, pid: "homosaurus/v2/nonEuroAmericanGenderAndSexualIdenti...", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "nonEuroAmericanGenderAndSexualIdentities", pref_label: "Non-Euro-American gender and sexual identities", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:37", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:37", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Culturally-specific gender identities"], alt_labels_language: ["Culturally-specific gender identities"], broader: [""], narrower: ["öçek", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2292, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cum", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cum", pref_label: "Cum", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:39", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:39", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["semen"], alt_labels_language: ["semen"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2293, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cyberbullying", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cyberbullying", pref_label: "Cyberbullying", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:41", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:41", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2294, pid: "homosaurus/v2/cybersex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "cybersex", pref_label: "Cybersex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Internet sex", "Online sex"], alt_labels_language: ["Internet sex", "Online sex"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2295, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dandies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dandies", pref_label: "Dandies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Men who place particular importance upon physical ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:44", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:44", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2296, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dandyism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dandyism", pref_label: "Dandyism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "The style or conduct of a dandy", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2297, pid: "homosaurus/v2/datingApplications", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "datingApplications", pref_label: "Dating applications", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:47", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:47", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Dating apps"], alt_labels_language: ["Dating apps"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2298, pid: "homosaurus/v2/datingWebsites", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "datingWebsites", pref_label: "Dating websites", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:49", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:49", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [], alt_labels_language: [], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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"homosaurus/v2/daughtersOfBisexualPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "daughtersOfBisexualPeople", pref_label: "Daughters of bisexual people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:52", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:52", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2301, pid: "homosaurus/v2/daughtersOfGayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "daughtersOfGayMen", pref_label: "Daughters of gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:53", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:53", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2302, pid: "homosaurus/v2/daughtersOfLesbians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "daughtersOfLesbians", pref_label: "Daughters of lesbians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:54", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:54", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2304, pid: "homosaurus/v2/daughtersOfQueerPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "daughtersOfQueerPeople", pref_label: "Daughters of queer people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:57", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:57", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2305, pid: "homosaurus/v2/deadnaming", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "deadnaming", pref_label: "Deadnaming", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Referring to a person’s assigned name rather than ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:56:59", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:56:59", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2306, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQDeafPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQDeafPeople", pref_label: "LGBTQ deaf people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:00", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Deaf people (LGBTQ)", "LGBTQ auditive disabled people", "LGBTQ deaf", "LGBTQ deaf-mutes"], alt_labels_language: ["Deaf people (LGBTQ)", "LGBTQ auditive disabled people", "LGBTQ deaf", "LGBTQ deaf-mutes"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2307, pid: "homosaurus/v2/decadence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "decadence", pref_label: "Decadence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Way of life characterized by mannerisms and affect...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:02", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:02", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2308, pid: "homosaurus/v2/decriminalisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "decriminalisation", pref_label: "Decriminalisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Lessening of criminal penalties in relation to cer...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:03", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:03", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Decriminalization"], alt_labels_language: ["Decriminalization"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], 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"hateSpeech", pref_label: "Hate speech", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:06", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:06", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Defamation against groups", "Group defamation", "Group libel"], alt_labels_language: ["Defamation against groups", "Group defamation", "Group libel"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2311, pid: "homosaurus/v2/demigenderPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "demigenderPeople", pref_label: "Demigender people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "People who have a partial connection to a certain ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:07", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:07", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2312, pid: "homosaurus/v2/demisexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "demisexuality", pref_label: "Demisexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A sexual orientation generally characterized by la...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:09", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:09", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2313, pid: "homosaurus/v2/demisexualPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "demisexualPeople", pref_label: "Demisexual people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "People who don’t experience sexual attraction unle...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2314, pid: "homosaurus/v2/denialOfSexualOrientation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "denialOfSexualOrientation", pref_label: "Denial of sexual orientation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:12", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:12", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2315, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dentalDams", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dentalDams", pref_label: "Dental dams", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:13", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:13", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Latex barriers"], alt_labels_language: ["Latex barriers"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2316, pid: "homosaurus/v2/desireToHaveChildren", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "desireToHaveChildren", pref_label: "Desire to have children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:15", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:15", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2317, pid: "homosaurus/v2/detentionOfLGBTQPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "detentionOfLGBTQPeople", pref_label: "Detention of LGBTQ people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:16", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:16", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], 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vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2319, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dhurani", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dhurani", pref_label: "Dhurani", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Bengali term for the third sex, often referring to...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:19", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:19", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2320, pid: "homosaurus/v2/DSM", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "DSM", pref_label: "DSM", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders"], alt_labels_language: ["Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2321, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intersex", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intersex", pref_label: "Intersex", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:53", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:22", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:22", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Differences in sex development", "Divergences in sex development", "DSDs", "Hermaphroditism", "Intersexuality", "Variations in sex development", "VSDs"], alt_labels_language: ["Differences in sex development", "Divergences in sex development", "DSDs", "Hermaphroditism", "Intersexuality", "Variations in sex development", "VSDs"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2322, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dilbaa", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dilbaa", pref_label: "Dilbaa", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Navajo term for a person assigned female at birth ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:23", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:23", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2323, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dildoHarnesses", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dildoHarnesses", pref_label: "Dildo harnesses", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:25", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:25", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2324, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dildos", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dildos", pref_label: "Dildos", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:26", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:26", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Strap-ons"], alt_labels_language: ["Strap-ons"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2325, pid: "homosaurus/v2/discriminationLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "discriminationLGBTQ", pref_label: "Discrimination (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:28", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:28", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2326, pid: "homosaurus/v2/disordersOfSexualDevelopment", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "disordersOfSexualDevelopment", pref_label: "Disorders of sexual development", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A medicalized category for describing sexual devel...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:30", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:30", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2327, pid: "homosaurus/v2/diversity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "diversity", pref_label: "Diversity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Diversity in characteristics of people in age, gen...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2328, pid: "homosaurus/v2/divorcedPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "divorcedPeople", pref_label: "Divorced people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:32", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:32", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2329, pid: "homosaurus/v2/domesticPartnershipContracts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "domesticPartnershipContracts", pref_label: "Domestic partnership contracts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:34", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:34", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2330, pid: "homosaurus/v2/domesticPartnershipRetirementBenefit...", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "domesticPartnershipRetirementBenefits", pref_label: "Domestic partnership retirement benefits", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:35", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Same-sex pension benefits"], alt_labels_language: ["Same-sex pension benefits"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2331, pid: "homosaurus/v2/domesticPartnerships", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "domesticPartnerships", pref_label: "Domestic partnerships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Legal or personal relationship between two individ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:37", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:37", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2332, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dominatricesLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dominatricesLGBTQ", pref_label: "Dominatrices (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:39", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:39", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", "", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2333, pid: "homosaurus/v2/donors", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "donors", pref_label: "Donors", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:40", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:40", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2335, pid: "homosaurus/v2/drab", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drab", pref_label: "Drab", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2336, pid: "homosaurus/v2/drag", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drag", pref_label: "Drag", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 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identifier: "dragCommunity", pref_label: "Drag community", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:49", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:49", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2340, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dragFamilies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dragFamilies", pref_label: "Drag families", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:50", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:50", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2341, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dragFathers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dragFathers", pref_label: "Drag fathers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:52", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:52", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], 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nil, uri: "", identifier: "dragMothers", pref_label: "Drag mothers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:55", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2344, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dragQueens", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dragQueens", pref_label: "Drag queens", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:56", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:56", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2345, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dramaLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dramaLGBTQ", pref_label: "Drama (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "In case of publications about performances, use LG...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:57:58", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:57:58", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], 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#<Term id: 2347, pid: "homosaurus/v2/drugAbuse", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drugAbuse", pref_label: "Drug abuse", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Drug addiction", "Drug dependence"], alt_labels_language: ["Drug addiction", "Drug dependence"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2348, pid: "homosaurus/v2/drugUsers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "drugUsers", pref_label: "Drug users", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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drugs"], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2350, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dutchBoys", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dutchBoys", pref_label: "Dutch boys", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Slang for heterosexual men who are friends with le...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:54", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:05", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:05", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Lesbros"], alt_labels_language: ["Lesbros"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2351, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianCulture", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianCulture", pref_label: "Lesbian culture", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:07", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:07", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Dyke culture"], alt_labels_language: ["Dyke culture"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2352, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dykeMarches", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dykeMarches", pref_label: "Dyke marches", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:08", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:08", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2353, pid: "homosaurus/v2/dykes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "dykes", pref_label: "Dykes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], 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vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2355, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQEasternOrthodoxChristians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQEasternOrthodoxChristians", pref_label: "LGBTQ Eastern Orthodox Christians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:13", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:13", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Eastern Orthodox Christians (LGBTQ)", "LGBTQ Orthodox Eastern Christians"], alt_labels_language: ["Eastern Orthodox Christians (LGBTQ)", "LGBTQ Orthodox Eastern Christians"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2356, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ecofeminism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ecofeminism", pref_label: "Ecofeminism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Political and philosophical movement that views fe...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:14", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:14", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2357, pid: "homosaurus/v2/MDMA", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "MDMA", pref_label: "MDMA", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: 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narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2359, pid: "homosaurus/v2/eggDonors", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eggDonors", pref_label: "Egg donors", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:19", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:19", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2360, pid: "homosaurus/v2/internalisedHomophobia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "internalisedHomophobia", pref_label: "Internalised homophobia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Ego-dystonic homophobia", "Internalized homophobia"], alt_labels_language: ["Ego-dystonic homophobia", "Internalized homophobia"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2361, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ego-dystonicSexualOrientation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", 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06:58:25", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Electric shock therapy", "Electroconvulsive therapy"], alt_labels_language: ["Electric shock therapy", "Electroconvulsive therapy"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2364, pid: "homosaurus/v2/eonism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eonism", pref_label: "Eonism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Historical term used to describe people assigned m...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:26", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:26", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2365, pid: "homosaurus/v2/eonistPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eonistPeople", pref_label: "Eonist people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Historical term for people assigned male at birth ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:28", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:28", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2366, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ephebophilia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ephebophilia", pref_label: "Ephebophilia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Sexual preference for young adult (16-20 years) ma...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:29", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:29", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2367, pid: "homosaurus/v2/erectileDysfunction", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "erectileDysfunction", pref_label: "Erectile dysfunction", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Impotence"], alt_labels_language: ["Impotence"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2368, pid: "homosaurus/v2/erectionPills", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "erectionPills", pref_label: "Erection pills", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:32", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:32", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2369, pid: "homosaurus/v2/erections", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "erections", pref_label: "Erections", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:34", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:34", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2370, pid: "homosaurus/v2/erogenousBodyParts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "erogenousBodyParts", pref_label: "Erogenous body parts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Areas of the body that are sensitive to sexual sti...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:35", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2371, pid: "homosaurus/v2/eroticMassage", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eroticMassage", pref_label: "Erotic massage", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:37", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:37", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2372, pid: "homosaurus/v2/erotica", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "erotica", pref_label: "Erotica", pref_label_language: nil, description: "The portrayal of sexuality with high-art aspiratio...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:38", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:38", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2373, pid: "homosaurus/v2/eroticism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eroticism", pref_label: "Eroticism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:40", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:40", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2374, pid: "homosaurus/v2/escortServices", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "escortServices", pref_label: "Escort services", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2375, pid: "homosaurus/v2/escorts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "escorts", pref_label: "Escorts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2376, pid: "homosaurus/v2/estrogen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "estrogen", pref_label: "Estrogen", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2377, pid: "homosaurus/v2/etiology", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "etiology", pref_label: "Etiology", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Inquiries and speculations regarding the causes of...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:46", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:46", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2378, pid: "homosaurus/v2/eurogames", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "eurogames", pref_label: "Eurogames", pref_label_language: nil, description: "The most important gay and lesbian sporting event ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:48", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:48", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2379, pid: "homosaurus/v2/europride", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "europride", pref_label: "Europride", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A pan-European international event dedicated to LG...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:49", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:49", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2380, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ex-gayMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ex-gayMovement", pref_label: "Ex-gay movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "People and organisations that seek to get people t...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:51", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:51", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2381, pid: "homosaurus/v2/exhibitionism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "exhibitionism", pref_label: "Exhibitionism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:52", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:52", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2382, pid: "homosaurus/v2/faafafine", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "faafafine", pref_label: "Fa'afafine", pref_label_language: nil, description: "In New Zealand, Samoan people who were assigned ma...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:54", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:54", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2383, pid: "homosaurus/v2/faafatama", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "faafatama", pref_label: "Fa'afatama", pref_label_language: nil, description: "In New Zealand, Samoan people who were assigned fe...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:55", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2384, pid: "homosaurus/v2/faeries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "faeries", pref_label: "Faeries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Radical Faeries (also Faeries and Faes) are a loos...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:57", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:57", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Radical Faeries", "Faes"], alt_labels_language: ["Radical Faeries", "Faes"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2385, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fagHags", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fagHags", pref_label: "Fag hags", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Slang for heterosexual women who are friends with ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:58", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:58", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2386, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fagStags", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fagStags", pref_label: "Fag stags", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Slang for heterosexual men who enjoy the company o...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:58:59", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:58:59", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2387, pid: "homosaurus/v2/faggots", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "faggots", pref_label: "Faggots", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Pejorative term used chiefly in North America prim...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Fags"], alt_labels_language: ["Fags"], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2388, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fakaleiti", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fakaleiti", pref_label: "Fakaleiti", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Tongan people assigned male at birth who behave in...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:02", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:02", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2389, pid: "homosaurus/v2/familiesLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "familiesLGBTQ", pref_label: "Families (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:04", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:04", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2390, pid: "homosaurus/v2/familyMembers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "familyMembers", pref_label: "Family members", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:05", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:05", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2391, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fatDistribution", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fatDistribution", pref_label: "Fat distribution", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:07", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:07", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], 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pref_label: "Fathers of bisexual people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2394, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fathersOfGayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fathersOfGayMen", pref_label: "Fathers of gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:55", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:11", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:11", 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[], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2396, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fathersOfQueerPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fathersOfQueerPeople", pref_label: "Fathers of queer people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:14", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:14", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2397, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fathersOfTransgenderPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fathersOfTransgenderPeople", pref_label: "Fathers of transgender people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:15", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:15", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2398, pid: "homosaurus/v2/womensFriendships", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "womensFriendships", pref_label: "Women's friendships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:17", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:17", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Female friendships"], alt_labels_language: ["Female friendships"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2399, pid: "homosaurus/v2/femaleGenitalMutilation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "femaleGenitalMutilation", pref_label: "Female genital mutilation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Cutting or removal of female genitals, sometimes c...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:18", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:18", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2400, pid: "homosaurus/v2/femaleImpersonators", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "femaleImpersonators", pref_label: "Female impersonators", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2405, pid: "homosaurus/v2/FtMs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "FtMs", pref_label: "FtMs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "FtM (female-to-male) is a mostly historical term w...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:27", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:27", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Females transitioning to males", "FtM transsexuals", "F2Ms", "Transsexual men", "Female-to-male"], alt_labels_language: ["Females transitioning to males", "FtM transsexuals", "F2Ms", "Transsexual men", "Female-to-male"], broader: ["", "", "", "", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term 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"visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:30", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:30", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Feminist movement"], alt_labels_language: ["Feminist movement"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2408, pid: "homosaurus/v2/feminists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "feminists", pref_label: "Feminists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2409, pid: "homosaurus/v2/femmes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "femmes", pref_label: "Femmes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A feminine person of any gender, though it is comm...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:33", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:33", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", "", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2410, pid: "homosaurus/v2/femminiello", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "femminiello", pref_label: "Femminiello", pref_label_language: nil, description: "In Italy, a Neapolitan term for homosexual males w...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:34", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:34", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2411, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fetishism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fetishism", pref_label: "Fetishism", 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[""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2414, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fisting", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fisting", pref_label: "Fisting", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:40", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:40", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Fist fucking"], alt_labels_language: ["Fist fucking"], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2415, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fingering", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fingering", pref_label: "Fingering", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Finger banging", "Finger fucking"], alt_labels_language: ["Finger banging", "Finger fucking"], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2416, pid: "homosaurus/v2/flagellation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "flagellation", pref_label: "Flagellation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2417, pid: "homosaurus/v2/floggers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "floggers", pref_label: "Floggers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2419, pid: "homosaurus/v2/foreskinRestoration", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "foreskinRestoration", pref_label: "Foreskin restoration", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:48", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:48", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2420, pid: "homosaurus/v2/socialParenthood", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "socialParenthood", pref_label: "Social parenthood", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", 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identifier: "friendships", pref_label: "Friendships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:55", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2425, pid: "homosaurus/v2/frottage", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "frottage", pref_label: "Frottage", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Non-penetrative sex in which parts of the body (us...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:56", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:56", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2426, pid: "homosaurus/v2/ftxs", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "ftxs", pref_label: "FtXs", pref_label_language: nil, description: "People who transition from female to unknown or no...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:57", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:57", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2427, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fuckBuddies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fuckBuddies", pref_label: "Fuck buddies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "When two friends enjoy the benefits of sex but are...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 06:59:59", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 06:59:59", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2428, pid: "homosaurus/v2/fucking", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "fucking", pref_label: "Fucking", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", "", "", ""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2429, pid: "homosaurus/v2/g-spot", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "g-spot", pref_label: "G-spot", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:02", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:02", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2430, pid: "homosaurus/v2/galli", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "galli", pref_label: "Galli", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Derived from ancient Roman religion, a term for eu...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:03", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:03", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], 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"homosaurus/v2/gayAfricanAmericans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayAfricanAmericans", pref_label: "Gay African-Americans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:06", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:06", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2433, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayAfroCanadians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayAfroCanadians", pref_label: "Gay Afro-Canadians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:08", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:08", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2434, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayAfroCaribbeans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayAfroCaribbeans", pref_label: "Gay Afro-Caribbeans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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"homosaurus/v2/gayAfroLatinAmericans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayAfroLatinAmericans", pref_label: "Gay Afro-Latin Americans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:56", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:13", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:13", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2437, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayAndLesbianYouth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayAndLesbianYouth", pref_label: "Gay and lesbian youth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:14", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:14", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gay youth", "Lesbian and gay youth", "Lesbian youth"], alt_labels_language: ["Gay youth", "Lesbian and gay youth", "Lesbian youth"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2438, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayArchives", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayArchives", pref_label: "Gay archives", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:16", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:16", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2440, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayAsianAmericans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayAsianAmericans", pref_label: "Gay Asian Americans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:19", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:19", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2441, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayAsians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayAsians", pref_label: "Gay Asians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gaysians"], alt_labels_language: ["Gaysians"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2442, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayAtheists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayAtheists", pref_label: "Gay atheists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:22", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:22", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2443, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayBars", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayBars", pref_label: "Gay bars", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:24", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:24", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2444, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gaySaunas", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gaySaunas", pref_label: "Gay saunas", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:25", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:25", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gay bathhouses", "Gay baths"], alt_labels_language: ["Gay bathhouses", "Gay baths"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2445, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayBeaches", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayBeaches", pref_label: "Gay beaches", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, 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numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayBoys", pref_label: "Gay boys", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", "", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2449, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayBuddhists", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayBuddhists", pref_label: "Gay Buddhists", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:33", 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"gayChristians", pref_label: "Gay Christians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:38", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:38", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2453, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayClergy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayClergy", pref_label: "Gay clergy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:39", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:39", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gay pastors"], alt_labels_language: ["Gay pastors"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2454, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayCommunity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayCommunity", pref_label: "Gay community", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:41", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:41", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2455, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayCommunityCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayCommunityCentres", pref_label: "Gay community centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2456, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayCulture", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayCulture", pref_label: "Gay culture", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:44", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:44", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2457, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayDiscos", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayDiscos", pref_label: "Gay discos", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gay discotheques", "Gay night clubs", "Gay nightclubs"], alt_labels_language: ["Gay discotheques", "Gay night clubs", "Gay nightclubs"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2458, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayDrama", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayDrama", pref_label: "Gay drama", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:47", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:47", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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[], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2460, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayFamilies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayFamilies", pref_label: "Gay families", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Use only for gay couples living with their childre...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:51", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:51", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2461, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayParents", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayParents", pref_label: "Gay parents", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2464, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayGames", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayGames", pref_label: "Gay Games", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:00:57", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:00:57", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2465, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayIdentity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayIdentity", pref_label: "Gay identity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: 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numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbian-gayRelations", pref_label: "Lesbian-gay relations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:04", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:04", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gay-lesbian relations"], alt_labels_language: ["Gay-lesbian relations"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2469, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayLiberation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayLiberation", pref_label: "Gay liberation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Movement of the late 1960s and early to mid 1970s ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:05", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:05", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gay liberation movement"], alt_labels_language: ["Gay liberation movement"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2470, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayLibraries", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayLibraries", pref_label: "Gay libraries", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:07", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:07", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2471, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayLiterature", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayLiterature", pref_label: "Gay literature", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:08", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:08", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2472, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayMaleCouples", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMaleCouples", pref_label: "Gay male couples", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2473, pid: "homosaurus/v2/same-sexMarriage", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "same-sexMarriage", pref_label: "Same-sex marriage", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2475, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMen", pref_label: "Gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:15", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:15", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gays"], alt_labels_language: ["Gays"], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], 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identifier: "gayMenOfColour", pref_label: "Gay men of colour", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:18", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:18", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2478, pid: "homosaurus/v2/parentsOfGayMen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "parentsOfGayMen", pref_label: "Parents of gay men", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gay men's parents"], alt_labels_language: ["Gay men's parents"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [""], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2479, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMovement", pref_label: "Gay movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:22", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:22", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gay organisations", "Gay organizations"], alt_labels_language: ["Gay organisations", "Gay organizations"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2480, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayMuseums", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMuseums", pref_label: "Gay museums", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:57", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:23", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:23", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2481, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayMuslims", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayMuslims", pref_label: "Gay Muslims", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:25", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:25", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2482, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayNativeAmericans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayNativeAmericans", pref_label: "Gay Native Americans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:27", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:27", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2483, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayNewsletters", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayNewsletters", pref_label: "Gay newsletters", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:28", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:28", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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"homosaurus/v2/gayPagans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayPagans", pref_label: "Gay pagans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2486, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayPoetry", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayPoetry", pref_label: "Gay poetry", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:33", 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nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayPornFilms", pref_label: "Gay porn films", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:38", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:38", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2490, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayPress", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayPress", pref_label: "Gay press", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:40", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:40", 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[""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2499, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayReligiousGroups", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayReligiousGroups", pref_label: "Gay religious groups", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:01:54", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:01:54", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", 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youth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:02:16", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:02:16", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gay teenagers"], alt_labels_language: ["Gay teenagers"], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2514, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayTelevision", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayTelevision", pref_label: "Gay television", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:02:18", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:02:18", 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pref_label: "Gay victims of rape", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:02:29", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:02:29", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2522, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayVictimsOfWar", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayVictimsOfWar", pref_label: "Gay victims of war", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:02:30", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:02:30", labels: [], 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nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:58", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:02:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:02:35", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gay women", "Lesbian women"], alt_labels_language: ["Gay women", "Lesbian women"], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2526, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gayYouthLiterature", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gayYouthLiterature", pref_label: "Gay youth literature", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, 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sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2529, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gender", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gender", pref_label: "Gender", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:02:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:02:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2530, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderConfirmingSurgery", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderConfirmingSurgery", pref_label: "Gender confirming surgery", pref_label_language: nil, 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"homosaurus/v2/genderBending", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderBending", pref_label: "Gender bending", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Transgression or \"bending\" of expected gender role...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:02:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:02:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2532, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderBinary", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderBinary", pref_label: "Gender binary", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", 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internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2535, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderDiversity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderDiversity", pref_label: "Gender diversity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:02:53", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:02:53", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2536, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderDysphoria", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderDysphoria", pref_label: "Gender dysphoria", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Psychological diagnosis for an incongruence betwee...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:02:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:02:55", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["GID"], alt_labels_language: ["GID"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2537, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderExpression", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderExpression", pref_label: "Gender expression", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Actions or appearances conveying gender", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:02:57", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:02:57", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gender non-conformity", "Gender variance"], alt_labels_language: ["Gender non-conformity", "Gender variance"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2538, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderfluid", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderfluid", pref_label: "Genderfluid", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A gender identity in which an individual's gender ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:02:59", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:02:59", labels: [], 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[], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2540, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderIdentity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderIdentity", pref_label: "Gender identity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A person’s experience of having a particular gende...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:03", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:03", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Gender-variant identity"], alt_labels_language: ["Gender-variant identity"], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2541, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderIdentityDisorder", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderIdentityDisorder", pref_label: "Gender identity disorder", pref_label_language: nil, description: "An obsolete psychological diagnosis that medicaliz...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:04", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:04", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2542, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderMarkers", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderMarkers", pref_label: "Gender markers", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:06", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:06", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2543, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderNonConformingPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderNonConformingPeople", pref_label: "Gender non-conforming people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:08", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:08", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2544, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderRelations", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderRelations", pref_label: "Gender relations", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:09", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:09", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: 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"homosaurus/v2/genderRoles", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderRoles", pref_label: "Gender roles", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:13", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:13", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2547, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderSegregation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderSegregation", pref_label: "Gender segregation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2549, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gendercide", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gendercide", pref_label: "Gendercide", pref_label_language: nil, description: "The systematic killing of members of a specific ge...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:18", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:18", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2550, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderfuck", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderfuck", pref_label: "Genderfuck", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:03:59", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2551, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genderqueerPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genderqueerPeople", pref_label: "Genderqueer people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:21", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:21", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2552, pid: "homosaurus/v2/geneticParenthood", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "geneticParenthood", pref_label: "Genetic parenthood", pref_label_language: nil, description: "The experience of passing genetic material from a ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:23", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:23", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2553, pid: "homosaurus/v2/genitalReconstructionSurgery", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "genitalReconstructionSurgery", pref_label: "Genital reconstruction surgery", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:25", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:25", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], 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identifier: "gerontophilia", pref_label: "Gerontophilia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:28", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:28", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2556, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gestationalParenthood", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gestationalParenthood", pref_label: "Gestational parenthood", pref_label_language: nil, description: "The experience of a person whose uterus was utiliz...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:30", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:30", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2557, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gettingLaid", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gettingLaid", pref_label: "Getting laid", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], 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2559, pid: "homosaurus/v2/girls", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "girls", pref_label: "Girls", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:35", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2560, pid: "homosaurus/v2/girlsFriendships", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "girlsFriendships", pref_label: "Girls' friendships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:37", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:37", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2561, pid: "homosaurus/v2/givenName", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "givenName", pref_label: "Given name", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:38", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:38", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], 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"homosaurus/v2/LGBT", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBT", pref_label: "LGBT", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["GLBT"], alt_labels_language: ["GLBT"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2564, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gloryHoles", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gloryHoles", pref_label: "Glory holes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2565, pid: "homosaurus/v2/goddessMovementLesbian", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "goddessMovementLesbian", pref_label: "Goddess movement (Lesbian)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Movement of or groups of women who worship the God...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Goddess religion (Lesbian)"], alt_labels_language: ["Goddess religion (Lesbian)"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2566, pid: "homosaurus/v2/waterSports", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "waterSports", pref_label: "Water sports", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:46", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:46", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Golden showers", "Pissing sex", "Undinism", "Urolagnia"], alt_labels_language: ["Golden showers", "Pissing sex", "Undinism", "Urolagnia"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2567, pid: "homosaurus/v2/goldilocks", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "goldilocks", pref_label: "Goldilocks", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Slang for heterosexual women who are friends with ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:48", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:48", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2568, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gonadalDysgenesis", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gonadalDysgenesis", pref_label: "Gonadal dysgenesis", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:49", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:49", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2569, pid: "homosaurus/v2/gonads", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "gonads", pref_label: "Gonads", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:51", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:51", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2570, pid: "homosaurus/v2/grandchildren", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "grandchildren", pref_label: "Grandchildren", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:53", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:53", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: 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manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:57", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2574, pid: "homosaurus/v2/hair", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hair", pref_label: "Hair", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:03:59", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:03:59", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2575, pid: "homosaurus/v2/hairRemoval", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hairRemoval", pref_label: "Hair removal", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2576, pid: "homosaurus/v2/halloween", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "halloween", pref_label: "Halloween", pref_label_language: 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[""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2578, pid: "homosaurus/v2/handkerchiefCodes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "handkerchiefCodes", pref_label: "Handkerchief codes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A color-coded system to indicate preferred sexual ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:05", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:05", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Hanky codes"], alt_labels_language: ["Hanky codes"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], 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pref_label_language: nil, description: "Covers a wide range of behaviours of an offensive ...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:08", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:08", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2581, pid: "homosaurus/v2/harnesses", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "harnesses", pref_label: "Harnesses", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:10", 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vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2584, pid: "homosaurus/v2/hebephilia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hebephilia", pref_label: "Hebephilia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Refers to a primary or exclusive sexual interest i...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:15", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:15", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2585, pid: "homosaurus/v2/hemaneh", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hemaneh", pref_label: "Hemaneh", 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[], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2588, pid: "homosaurus/v2/heterosexism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heterosexism", pref_label: "Heterosexism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:21", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:21", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Heterocentrism"], alt_labels_language: ["Heterocentrism"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2589, pid: "homosaurus/v2/heteronormativity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heteronormativity", pref_label: "Heteronormativity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:00", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:23", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:23", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Heterosexual norms"], alt_labels_language: ["Heterosexual norms"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2590, pid: "homosaurus/v2/heterosexualBoys", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heterosexualBoys", pref_label: "Heterosexual boys", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", 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[""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2592, pid: "homosaurus/v2/heterosexualGirls", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heterosexualGirls", pref_label: "Heterosexual girls", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:28", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:28", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Straight girls"], alt_labels_language: ["Straight girls"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", 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["Straight men"], alt_labels_language: ["Straight men"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2596, pid: "homosaurus/v2/heterosexuals", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heterosexuals", pref_label: "Heterosexuals", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:35", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Heterosexual people", "Straight people"], alt_labels_language: ["Heterosexual people", "Straight people"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], 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nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2598, pid: "homosaurus/v2/heterosexualWomen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heterosexualWomen", pref_label: "Heterosexual women", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:38", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:38", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Straight women"], alt_labels_language: ["Straight women"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2599, pid: "homosaurus/v2/heterosexualYouth", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heterosexualYouth", pref_label: "Heterosexual youth", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:40", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:40", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Straight youth"], alt_labels_language: ["Straight youth"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2600, pid: "homosaurus/v2/heterosexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "heterosexuality", pref_label: "Heterosexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:41", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:41", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2601, pid: "homosaurus/v2/hijra", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hijra", pref_label: "Hijra", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Hindi word used in South Asia to refer to people a...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Jagappa"], alt_labels_language: ["Jagappa"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2602, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQHindus", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQHindus", pref_label: "LGBTQ Hindus", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Hindus (LGBTQ)"], alt_labels_language: ["Hindus (LGBTQ)"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2603, pid: "homosaurus/v2/HIVTests", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "HIVTests", pref_label: "HIV tests", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:46", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:46", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2604, pid: "homosaurus/v2/HIV-negativePeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "HIV-negativePeople", pref_label: "HIV-negative people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:48", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:48", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["HIV-seronegative people"], alt_labels_language: ["HIV-seronegative people"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2605, pid: "homosaurus/v2/HIV-positivePeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "HIV-positivePeople", pref_label: "HIV-positive people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:50", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:50", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["HIV-seropositive people"], alt_labels_language: ["HIV-seropositive people"], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2607, pid: "homosaurus/v2/serodiscordantCouples", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "serodiscordantCouples", pref_label: "Serodiscordant couples", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:53", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:53", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["HIV-serodiscordant couples"], alt_labels_language: ["HIV-serodiscordant couples"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2608, pid: "homosaurus/v2/serostatus", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "serostatus", pref_label: "Serostatus", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:55", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:55", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["HIV-serostatus"], alt_labels_language: ["HIV-serostatus"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2609, pid: "homosaurus/v2/HIVUndetectablePeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "HIVUndetectablePeople", pref_label: "HIV-undetectable people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:56", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:56", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2610, pid: "homosaurus/v2/murdersOfLGBTQPeople", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "murdersOfLGBTQPeople", pref_label: "Murders of LGBTQ people", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:04:58", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:04:58", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Homicides of LGBTQ people"], alt_labels_language: ["Homicides of LGBTQ people"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2611, pid: "homosaurus/v2/homomonuments", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homomonuments", pref_label: "Homomonuments", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:00", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2612, pid: "homosaurus/v2/homonationalism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homonationalism", pref_label: "Homonationalism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Favorable association between a nationalist ideolo...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:01", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:01", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2613, pid: "homosaurus/v2/homonormativity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homonormativity", pref_label: "Homonormativity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:03", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:03", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Homosexual norms"], alt_labels_language: ["Homosexual norms"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2614, pid: "homosaurus/v2/homophiles", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homophiles", pref_label: "Homophiles", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Outdated term for lesbians and gay men. The use of...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:04", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:04", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2615, pid: "homosaurus/v2/homophobia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homophobia", pref_label: "Homophobia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Mistrust, hatred, or aggression directed toward ho...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:06", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:06", labels: [], labels_language: [], 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vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2617, pid: "homosaurus/v2/homosexuals", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homosexuals", pref_label: "Homosexuals", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Outdated term for lesbians and gay men", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:10", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:10", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2618, pid: "homosaurus/v2/homosociality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "homosociality", 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[], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2621, pid: "homosaurus/v2/humanRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "humanRights", pref_label: "Human rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:16", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:16", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", ""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2622, pid: "homosaurus/v2/sexualSterilisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexualSterilisation", pref_label: "Sexual sterilisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:18", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:18", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Human sterilisation", "Human sterilization", "Sexual sterilization"], alt_labels_language: ["Human sterilisation", "Human sterilization", "Sexual sterilization"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2623, pid: "homosaurus/v2/hwame", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hwame", pref_label: "Hwame", pref_label_language: nil, description: "In Native American Mohave tribes, people assigned ...", visibility: "visible", 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narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2625, pid: "homosaurus/v2/hypersexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hypersexuality", pref_label: "Hypersexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:22", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:22", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Nymphomania", "Satyriasis", "Andromania", "Clitoromania", "Don Juan complex", "Don Juan syndrome", "Don Juanism", "Estromania", "Excessive sex drive", "Excessive sexual drive", "Furor amatorius", "Furor uterinus", "Hyper sexuality", "Hyper-sexuality", "Hyperactive sexual desire disorder", "Hyperaesthesia", "Hypereroticism", "Hyperlibido", "Hyperphilia", "Hypersensuality", "Hypersexual behavior", "Hypersexual disorder", "Hypersexual pattern", "Hypersexualism", "Hypersexuality disorder", "Messalina complex", "Messalina syndrome", "Œstromania", "Oversexuality", "Satyrism", "Satyromania", "Sexual hyperesthesia", "Sexual hyperversion"], alt_labels_language: ["Nymphomania", "Satyriasis", "Andromania", "Clitoromania", "Don Juan complex", "Don Juan syndrome", "Don Juanism", "Estromania", "Excessive sex drive", "Excessive sexual drive", "Furor amatorius", "Furor uterinus", "Hyper sexuality", "Hyper-sexuality", "Hyperactive sexual desire disorder", "Hyperaesthesia", "Hypereroticism", "Hyperlibido", "Hyperphilia", "Hypersensuality", "Hypersexual behavior", "Hypersexual disorder", "Hypersexual pattern", "Hypersexualism", "Hypersexuality disorder", "Messalina complex", "Messalina syndrome", "Œstromania", "Oversexuality", "Satyrism", "Satyromania", "Sexual hyperesthesia", "Sexual hyperversion"], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2626, pid: "homosaurus/v2/hypospadias", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hypospadias", pref_label: "Hypospadias", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:24", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:24", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2627, pid: "homosaurus/v2/hysterectomy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "hysterectomy", pref_label: "Hysterectomy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:26", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:26", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2628, pid: "homosaurus/v2/inVitroFertilisation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "inVitroFertilisation", pref_label: "In vitro fertilisation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:27", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:27", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["In vitro fertilization", "IVF", "Test tube fertilisation", "Test tube fertilization"], alt_labels_language: ["In vitro fertilization", "IVF", "Test tube fertilisation", "Test tube fertilization"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2629, pid: "homosaurus/v2/informationCentresLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "informationCentresLGBTQ", pref_label: "Information centres (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A place or institution which pulls together inform...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:29", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:29", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2630, pid: "homosaurus/v2/informationProvision", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "informationProvision", pref_label: "Information provision", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:01", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2631, pid: "homosaurus/v2/sexualIntercourse", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "sexualIntercourse", pref_label: "Sexual intercourse", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:32", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:32", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2632, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intergenerationalRelationships", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intergenerationalRelationships", pref_label: "Intergenerational relationships", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:34", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:34", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2633, pid: "homosaurus/v2/onlineDating", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "onlineDating", pref_label: "Online dating", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:36", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:36", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Internet dating"], alt_labels_language: ["Internet dating"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2634, pid: "homosaurus/v2/internetForums", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "internetForums", pref_label: "Internet forums", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:37", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:37", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2635, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intersexphobia", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intersexphobia", pref_label: "Intersexphobia", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:39", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:39", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Interphobia"], alt_labels_language: ["Interphobia"], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2636, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intersectionality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intersectionality", pref_label: "Intersectionality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:40", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:40", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2637, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intersexChildren", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intersexChildren", pref_label: "Intersex children", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2638, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intersexConditions", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intersexConditions", pref_label: "Intersex conditions", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2639, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intersexGenitalMutilation", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intersexGenitalMutilation", pref_label: "Intersex genital mutilation", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2640, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intersexIdentity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intersexIdentity", pref_label: "Intersex identity", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:46", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:46", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2641, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intersexMovement", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intersexMovement", pref_label: "Intersex movement", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:48", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:48", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2642, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intersexRights", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intersexRights", pref_label: "Intersex rights", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", 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["", ""], narrower: [""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2644, pid: "homosaurus/v2/intimatePartnerViolence", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "intimatePartnerViolence", pref_label: "Intimate partner violence", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:53", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:53", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Intimate partner abuse"], alt_labels_language: ["Intimate partner abuse"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2645, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQInuit", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQInuit", pref_label: "LGBTQ Inuit", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:54", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:54", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Inuit (LGBTQ)", "LGBTQ Eskimos"], alt_labels_language: ["Inuit (LGBTQ)", "LGBTQ Eskimos"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2646, pid: "homosaurus/v2/inverts", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "inverts", pref_label: "Inverts", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Outdated, historical term used for LGBTQ people", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:56", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:56", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Sexual inverts"], alt_labels_language: ["Sexual inverts"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2647, pid: "homosaurus/v2/jankha", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "jankha", pref_label: "Jankha", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Term for people assigned male at birth in India wh...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:57", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:57", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2648, pid: "homosaurus/v2/jealousy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "jealousy", pref_label: "Jealousy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:05:59", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:05:59", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2649, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LGBTQJehovahsWitnesses", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LGBTQJehovahsWitnesses", pref_label: "LGBTQ Jehovah's Witnesses", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:00", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:00", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["LGBTQ Jehova's Witnesses", "Jehova's Witnesses (LGBTQ)"], alt_labels_language: ["LGBTQ Jehova's Witnesses", "Jehova's Witnesses (LGBTQ)"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2650, pid: "homosaurus/v2/jerkingOff", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "jerkingOff", pref_label: "Jerking off", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:02", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:02", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2651, pid: "homosaurus/v2/jewsLGBTQ", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "jewsLGBTQ", pref_label: "Jews (LGBTQ)", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:03", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:03", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2652, pid: "homosaurus/v2/jizz", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "jizz", pref_label: "Jizz", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:05", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:05", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2653, pid: "homosaurus/v2/jogappa", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "jogappa", pref_label: "Jogappa", pref_label_language: nil, description: "In India, people assigned male at birth who become...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:06", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:06", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2654, pid: "homosaurus/v2/kabuki", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "kabuki", pref_label: "Kabuki", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Japanese theatre with crossdressing actors; in the...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:08", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:08", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2655, pid: "homosaurus/v2/kaposisSarcoma", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "kaposisSarcoma", pref_label: "Kaposi's sarcoma", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:09", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:09", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2656, pid: "homosaurus/v2/katoey", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "katoey", pref_label: "Katoey", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:11", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:11", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Kathoey", "Ladyboy"], alt_labels_language: ["Kathoey", "Ladyboy"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2657, pid: "homosaurus/v2/khusra", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "khusra", pref_label: "Khusra", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A term used in Pakistan and Northern India for thi...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:12", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:12", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2658, pid: "homosaurus/v2/khawajaSara", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "khawajaSara", pref_label: "Khawaja sara", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Urdu term used in Southeast Asia for transgender p...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:14", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:14", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2659, pid: "homosaurus/v2/kinnar", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "kinnar", pref_label: "Kinnar", pref_label_language: nil, description: "A variant term for hijra used in northern India", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:15", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:15", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2660, pid: "homosaurus/v2/kissing", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "kissing", pref_label: "Kissing", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:17", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:17", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [""], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2661, pid: "homosaurus/v2/klinefelterSyndrome", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "klinefelterSyndrome", pref_label: "Klinefelter syndrome", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:02", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:18", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:18", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2662, pid: "homosaurus/v2/köçek", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "öçek", identifier: "köçek", pref_label: "Köçek", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Turkish term for male dancers who cross-dressed in...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:20", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:20", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [], alt_labels_language: [], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2663, pid: "homosaurus/v2/kothi", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "kothi", pref_label: "Kothi", pref_label_language: nil, description: "In South Asia, people who are assigned male at bir...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:21", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:21", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2664, pid: "homosaurus/v2/kteuy", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "kteuy", pref_label: "Kteuy", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Cambodian term for third sex; can be considered ou...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:23", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:23", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2665, pid: "homosaurus/v2/labrys", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "labrys", pref_label: "Labrys", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Symbol used to represent lesbianism and feminism", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:25", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:25", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2666, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lakinOn", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lakinOn", pref_label: "Lakin-on", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Filipino term for women who are attracted to women...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:26", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:26", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2667, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lambda", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lambda", pref_label: "Lambda", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Symbol for lesbian and gay rights", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:28", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:28", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2668, pid: "homosaurus/v2/latentHomosexuality", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "latentHomosexuality", pref_label: "Latent homosexuality", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:29", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:29", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2669, pid: "homosaurus/v2/latexGloves", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "latexGloves", pref_label: "Latex gloves", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:31", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:31", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2670, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lavenderScare", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lavenderScare", pref_label: "Lavender Scare", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Mid-20th century purge of lesbian and gay people i...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:32", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:32", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [], narrower: [], related: ["", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2671, pid: "homosaurus/v2/law", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "law", pref_label: "Law", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:34", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:34", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Legislation"], alt_labels_language: ["Legislation"], broader: [], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2672, pid: "homosaurus/v2/LBT", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "LBT", pref_label: "LBT", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Used only to describe lesbians, bisexuals, and tra...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:35", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:35", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2673, pid: "homosaurus/v2/leashes", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "leashes", pref_label: "Leashes", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:37", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:37", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2674, pid: "homosaurus/v2/leatherCommunity", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "leatherCommunity", pref_label: "Leather community", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:39", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:39", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Leather scene"], alt_labels_language: ["Leather scene"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: ["", "", "", "", "", "", "", ""], related: ["", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2675, pid: "homosaurus/v2/leatherDaddies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "leatherDaddies", pref_label: "Leather daddies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:40", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:40", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2676, pid: "homosaurus/v2/leatherFamilies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "leatherFamilies", pref_label: "Leather families", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:42", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:42", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Leather household"], alt_labels_language: ["Leather household"], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: ["", ""], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2677, pid: "homosaurus/v2/leatherMommies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "leatherMommies", pref_label: "Leather mommies", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:43", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:43", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: ["", "", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", "", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2678, pid: "homosaurus/v2/leathermen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "leathermen", pref_label: "Leathermen", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:45", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:45", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2679, pid: "homosaurus/v2/leatherwomen", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "leatherwomen", pref_label: "Leatherwomen", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:46", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:46", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [""], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2680, pid: "homosaurus/v2/legalName", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "legalName", pref_label: "Legal name", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Use in reference to laws and regulations concernin...", visibility: "visible", 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"", ""], related: ["", "", "", "", "", ""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2682, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianActivism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianActivism", pref_label: "Lesbian activism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:51", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:51", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", "", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2683, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianAfricanAmericans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianAfricanAmericans", pref_label: "Lesbian African-Americans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:53", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:53", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2684, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianAfroCanadians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianAfroCanadians", pref_label: "Lesbian Afro-Canadians", pref_label_language: nil, 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2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2687, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianAfroLatinAmericans", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianAfroLatinAmericans", pref_label: "Lesbian Afro-Latin Americans", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:06:59", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:06:59", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2688, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianArchives", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianArchives", pref_label: "Lesbian archives", 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"", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:07:06", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:07:06", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2693, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianBars", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianBars", pref_label: "Lesbian bars", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:07:07", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:07:07", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], 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contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2699, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianChoruses", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianChoruses", pref_label: "Lesbian choruses", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:03", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:07:17", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:07:17", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Lesbian choirs"], alt_labels_language: ["Lesbian choirs"], broader: ["", ""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2700, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianChristians", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianChristians", pref_label: "Lesbian Christians", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: 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[""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2706, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianInformationCentres", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianInformationCentres", pref_label: "Lesbian information centres", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:04", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:07:27", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:07:27", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: ["Lesbian documentation centres"], alt_labels_language: ["Lesbian documentation centres"], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], 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uri: "", identifier: "lesbianDrama", pref_label: "Lesbian drama", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:04", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:07:30", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:07:30", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: ["", ""], exact_match_homosaurus: [], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2709, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianFamilies", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianFamilies", pref_label: "Lesbian families", pref_label_language: nil, description: "Use only for lesbian couples living with their chi...", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", replaces: nil, created_at: "2019-05-14 07:04:04", updated_at: "2021-09-24 07:07:32", manual_update_date: "2021-09-24 07:07:32", labels: [], labels_language: [], alt_labels: [""], alt_labels_language: [""], broader: [""], narrower: [], related: [""], close_match: [], exact_match: [], close_match_homosaurus: [], exact_match_homosaurus: [""], close_match_lcsh: [], exact_match_lcsh: [], vocabulary_identifier: "v2", vocabulary_id: 2, history_note: nil, internal_note: nil, sources: [], contributors: []>, #<Term id: 2710, pid: "homosaurus/v2/lesbianFeminism", numeric_pid: nil, uri: "", identifier: "lesbianFeminism", pref_label: "Lesbian feminism", pref_label_language: nil, description: "", visibility: "visible", is_replaced_by: "", rep