Movimiento por la abolición de la policía (

Police abolitionist movement
Abolishing the police movement
A primarily U.S. American and Canadian political movement that advocates replacing policing with other systems of public safety. Police abolitionists believe that policing, as a system, is inherently flawed and cannot be reformed—a view that rejects the ideology of police reformists. While reformists seek to address the ways in which policing occurs, abolitionists seek to transform policing altogether through a process of disbanding, disempowering, and disarming the police. Abolitionists argue that the institution of policing is deeply rooted in a history of white supremacy and settler colonialism and that it is inseparable from a pre-existing racial capitalist order, and thus believe a reformist approach to policing will always fail.
2023-01-13 22:45:54 UTC
2025-02-23 07:12:21 UTC

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Movimientos sociales
Movimiento por la abolición de la policía

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Formatos heredados (sin identificadores de idioma) N-Triples, JSON-LD, TTL