Grupos religiosos que afirman las identidades LGBTQ+ (

Grupos religiosos que afirman las identidades LGBTQ+
LGBTQ+-affirming religious groups
Gay religious groups
Lesbian religious groups
LGBTQ+ affirming religious groups
LGBTQ+ inclusive religious groups
LGBTQ+-inclusive religious groups
Grupos de personas unidas por una religión o prácticas religiosas que aceptan y apoyan a las personas LGBTQ+ y sus identidades. Incluye a grupos organizados a gran escala, como denominaciones o sectas, así como grupos de pequeña escala, como iglesias, mezquitas, templos o congregaciones específicas.
Groups of people united by a religion or religious practices that are accepting and supportive of LGBTQ+ people and their identities. Includes large-scale organized groups, such as denominations or sects, as well as small-scale groups, such as specific churches, mosques, temples, or congregations.
As part of the v3.2 update, the following terms were redirected to this term to ensure that the vocabulary accurately reflected the subject matter described: "Gay religious groups" and "Lesbian religious groups." Additionally, the term "Metropolitan Community Church" was redirected to this term because, as of v3.3, the Homosaurus no longer includes terms for specific organizations. We recommend that users replace those three terms with the term "LGBTQ+-affirming religious groups" in their records.
Traducción y revisión al español realizadas por Ernesto Cuba, Sofia Zamora, Sandy Alcantara, Mar Munné, Ana Portnoy Brimmer y el Comité Español de Homosaurus en 2024
2019-05-14 07:03:58 UTC
2025-02-23 07:09:42 UTC

Visualización de jerarquía

No Broader Term
Grupos religiosos que afirman las identidades LGBTQ+

Otros formatos (incluidos identificadores de idioma): N-Triples, JSON-LD, Extended JSON, TTL, XML, MARC XML

Formatos heredados (sin identificadores de idioma) N-Triples, JSON-LD, TTL